Neal for Governor
Nevada has only one political
By Tom Wilson
Nevada news media have achieved something thought impossible in a modern,
industrialized nation They disappeared
the Democratic Party candidate for governor from almost all news reports.
In northern Nevada, perhaps half the electorate cannot name the Democratic
candidate, State Sen. Joe Neal of North Las Vegas. Without adequate
information, voters cannot rationally decide who to favor at the polls.
Thus, Nevada maintains only the illusion of democracy.
Wilson is a retired journalist who resides in Carson City, Nevada. |
Sen. Terry Care, Nevada's Democratic Party chairman, led
the drive to abandon Neal, the candidate voters duly nominated for governor
in the primary election. Neal's mortal sin has been to urge fair taxation
of casinos during his three decades of legislative service. One could
make a cogent argument that Chairman Care and his lackeys should resign
for damaging their own party and its under-funded candidates. They freed
Kenny Guinn , the darling of the gamblers, to donate
big chunks of his $3 million plus campaign trove to Republican assembly
and senate candidates.
At the state party convention last spring, Care and the Democratic leadership,
used rudeness to convince Tierney Cahill, a Reno teacher, to withdraw
from the race for Congress. Cahill made a surprisingly strong showing
against the near invulnerable Rep. Jim Gibbons, R-Nev., two years
ago. Thanks to Care, Gibbons now faces an even lesser-known Democratic
opponent, Travis Souza, and a few third-party regulars.
Cahill shares a fatal flaw with Neal. She believes in Democratic Party
values. The state party leadership doesn't.. Rep. Gibbons can now join
Gov. Guinn in funding Republican candidates for the legislature. Care
may have paved the way for a Republican takeover of both houses of the
state legislature.
In Nevada, an overwhelming campaign chest all but guarantees a candidate's
Care left Democrats in many districts with DINO--Democrats In Name Only--candidates.
In the Carson City Assembly District 40, the party expects Democrats to
rally around Stacie Wilke, a casino manager. George Dini,
a casino owner, is the Democratic assembly candidate in the adjoining
Carson-Lyon district. Casinos are moving from financing campaigns to direct
the Cheap Seats
by Dan Eckles, Sports Editor Former Managing Editor
" We need to better fund Nevada schools. No one wants to pay
exorbitant taxes, but when the Silver State relies on gaming and
we have some of the lowest gaming taxes in the world, there seems
to be an obvious answer."
The Daily
Sparks, Nev., Tribune
August 4, 2002
In the past, the Las Vegas
dailies assigned reporters to accompany major party nominees during the
general election season. Daily reports kept the public thoroughly informed.
The Associated Press picked up their stories and sent them to Reno. Generally,
the Reno daily employed an experienced political editor who made sure
vital issues were covered. None of that is happening this year. Under-informing
the public benefits a newspaper's bottom line profit margin in the short
term. It is deadly for the public's long-term welfare.
Nevada levies the world's lowest gambling taxes. Of this revenue, the
state shovels back to the casinos one dollar in three in the form of corporate
welfare. As Gov. Guinn pole axes social welfare programs, casino corporate
welfare remains off the table.
That's why Neal supporters insist Nevada has only one political party:
the casino party.
Carson City activist Tom
Wilson's guest editorial appeared in the 10-24-2002 Reno News & Review.
Neal is right on raising gaming tax
Stop Tobacco In Clark
County Coalition (STICC) and Families Against Tobacco Smoke Odors
and Offenses (FATSOO) Coalition Announce Endorsements
Contact: Arno
(702) 796-7097 (home)
(702) 524-3294 (cel)
Diane Hart, President of STICC, and Arno Seegers,
Acting STICC Vice President and President of FATSOO, announce their
groups' endorsement, (which) was based on candidate responses to
a questionnaire.
Joe Neal
the editor:
Gov. Kenny Guinn states that raising cigarette and alcohol taxes
will not hurt tourism.
"People are not going to stop drinking and smoking ..." he said
in the Oct. 17 Review-Journal.
Does the governor believe that raising the gaming tax would hurt tourism,
or that people would stop gambling?
The governor is correct in his assessment that we "are in a very,
very fragile position and (he's) got to do something."
But it appears Democratic candidate Joe Neal would do something
-- by raising the gaming tax. Apparently he is the only one around with
sufficient intestinal fortitude (guts) to advocate such a proposal --
one which would solve Nevada's financial mess.
Las Vegas
The above letter appeared in the Oct.
24, 2002, Las Vegas Review-Journal
Joe versus the Donkey
Nevadan worth his dice ought to take a chance on this longshot"
Nev. -- Democratic gubernatorial candidate Joe Neal has finally
met the soldiers hiding inside the giant Trojan donkey known as the
Nevada Democratic Party and they don't seem to like him. These arrogant
Donkey-men can't even honor the voters of their own party by supporting
the duly-elected Neal -- winner of his party's primary.
by Gary Begin, Editor Humboldt Sun
Sept. 17, 2002 |
What has Neal
done to upset the party elite?
Is it because he is a black man?
Is it because he actually had the chutzpah to run for office in the
first place against a popular Kenny Guinn?
None of the above. It is because Joe Neal has said some negative things
about the casino industry.
Bad Joe, bad Joe. Now the wrath of the big money casino lobby has let
it be known that Neal is persona non grata at their craps table.
He violated a major tenet of Nevada politics: Thou shalt not badmouth
Poor Joe, poor Joe. He can't raise a warchest to campaign with to fight
Gov. Guinn's $2 million. Joe has peanuts, better suited to feeding GOP
elephants than donkeys.
(U.S. Sen.) Harry Reid, D-Nev., has shunned Joe. The major Dems
and GOP'ers get their money from the casino lobby -- a major reason
why they are against the Yucca Mountain project by the way -- but Joe,
poor Joe... Joe won't toe the line and is thusly shunned.
Any Nevadan worth his dice ought to therefore take a chance on this
longshot of a Neal victory come November.
That's right. Vote Neal in November. I will. It takes guts to buck the
easy money lobbyists and Neal's got it.
It'll take guts to lead this state into a more diversified economy than
to just rely on casinos visiting gamblers.
Hasn't anyone noticed how states nationwide are advertising gambling
junkets to their new Indian casinos or to special ships and barges conveniently
parked on lades and rivers and coastlines all over America to stimulate
their economies?
Call me Lucille, but every state will be offering enticing packages
and be drawing away revenue from Nevada.
Maybe Joe Neal is the only one with enough gutes to say the truth:
The emperor is naked (and the textile factory has been moved to Mexico.)
Gary Begin is editor of the Winnemucca, Nev., Humboldt Sun, and Battle
Mountain, Nev., Bugle.
majority view direct from the boardrooms of the Las Vegas Strip
as espoused by Gov. Dudley Do-Right
he (Neal) wants to do is tax gaming," the governor said.
"That won't work anymore."
Vegas Review-Journal
October 24, 2002
Fair Deal?
Dear Sen. Neal:
I am a registered white Republican living in Douglas County. I am nevertheless
appalled at the treatment the Nevada State Democratic Party has accorded
you, and as a result plan to vote for you for Governor.
I think your stand on gaming taxes is eminently reasonable. While I am
certainly not anti-gaming, and I dont think you are either, the
largest industry clearly needs to pay its own way.
It is shameful how our politicians talk about our budget deficits and
the need to raise taxes, while there is never a mention of the casino
I hope, whatever the outcome of the Governors race, that you will
continue your efforts to have the casinos share the tax burden fairly
with the citizens of this state.
Ken Watters
[EDITOR'S NOTE: Douglas County,
60 miles south of Reno, is the most Republican county in Nevada.]