Our Archives: News & Bulletins From Campaign '98
Date: Monday,
November 2, 1998 at 12:54:44
Sen. Neal sent this letter to the editor of the Reno Gazette-Journal several days ago. It has not been published.
Editor, Reno Gazette-Journal:
Your endorsement of Republican gubernatorial candidate Kenny Guinn demands correction.
You praised him for "his leadership role in committee after committee, including the study that changed the fire-safety laws after the disastrous MGM fire."
I have never heard of any such committee. I was primary sponsor of SB 214, the 1981 legislation which resulted in Nevada becoming the world model for high-rise building fire protection. My bill was opposed by the gambling industry, only moving when additional loss of life at the Las Vegas Hilton forced the issue.
You further endorsed Mr. Guinn because of his work on Gov. Miller's "committee to balance the state budget when the economy turned sour in 1991."
You termed him "willing to address" mental health issues, especially outpatient clinics.
When he headed that 1991 committee, he forced patient-damaging cuts to critically needed programs and wholesale closure of rural clinics, one of the crowning achievements of Gov. Mike O'Callaghan's administration.
Mr. Guinn finished his budget balancing act by drastically reducing medical care for injured workers.
Sen. Joe Neal (D-North Las Vegas)
Date: Sunday, November 1, 1998 at 02:42:11
NEAL BEATS STEVE WYNN ON ART TAX LOOPHOLE --- In case you haven't heard, go to "Joe vs. the Volcano" at http://www.nevadalabor.com/barbwire/barb10-11-98.html for the story of how Sen. Neal once again defeated the most powerful man in Nevada and saved Nevada school children millions in the process. Complete newslinks and editorial followup are posted at the site. ---> CAPITAL PUNISHMENT ---> ADLER V. AMODEI " Showing surprising forcefulness, the normally laid-back State Sen. Ernie Adler, D-Capital District, decisively defeated his opponent, Assemblyman Mark Amodei, R-Carson City, in their PBS TV confrontation last Friday, 10-30-98. ---> The district encompassing Carson City and surrounding counties is loaded with state employees, the only group of union workers in Nevada without the right to collective bargaining under law. Adler won the evening when he noted that even should Amodei be seated in a Republican majority, Sen. Bill Raggio, R-Reno, the GOP majority leader, would never let collective bargaining come to a vote. ---> Polls have shown Adler maintaining a lead over his freshman challenger. With former Las Vegas newsman Terry Care rated a shoo-in to win for the Democrats the seat of retiring Sen. Kathy Augustine, R-Las Vegas, control of the state senate hinges on the winner of the Sparks-east Reno senate race. First-term incumbent Republican Maurice Washington is facing a strong challenge from former Sparks mayor Jim Spoo. ---> SPARKS FLYING " Washington's district has a razor thin (about 130-votes) Republican registration edge. The powerful Sen. Raggio has pulled out all the stops to fund this race. As a result, Washington is substantially outspending Spoo. ---> Most observers consider the contest too close to call. See the Barbwire of 10-18-98 at http://www.nevadalabor.com/barbwire/barb10-25-98.html for perspective on this race which has gone unreported in the mainstream press. ---> SEN. JOE NEAL, MOST POWERFUL MAN IN NEVADA? " Should a Spoo victory give the Democrats control of the senate by an 11-10 margin, Sen. Joe Neal, D-North Las Vegas, may well make good on his Sept. 1 musing to switch his voter registration to non-partisan. He would thus garner the clout to broker power and control the makeup of the upper house. ---> As the world's greatest talk show host, Travus T. Hipp, once said, "if voting mattered, they wouldn't let us do it." ---> Or, as world class comedienne Lily Tomlin once opined, "no matter how cynical you become, it's hard to keep up." (Courtesy of Reno Gazette-Journal columnist Cory Farley.) ---> Press on regardless. ---> Be well. Raise hell. Sen. Neal continues to do so. You do the same. Watch this space for big news soon. --->
Date: Monday, October 5, 1998 at 17:14:12
CARSON CITY (October 5) --- Sen. Neal today sent the following to the Nevada Tax Commission ---> Below, you will find brief excerpts from news articles which tax commissioners would do well to have in front of them at tomorrow morning's hearing on the proposed art tax exemption rule. ---> Longtime Las Vegas journalist Ken Ward reported in the 9-2-98 edition of the Reno News & Review, a weekly newspaper: "Steve Wynn...recently said 'Every museum in the world charges admission in order to survive.' "That statement," Ward wrote, "might have impressed the Nevada Tax Commission and a handful of readers in southern Nevada. But there's a problem: It's total balderdash. "Fact is, major art museums coast to coast are free to the public. The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York has never charged admission. Los Angeles' new Getty Museum doesn't, either. And, last time we checked, none of them had a money-making casino attached." ---> The following appeared in the 10-4-98 Reno Gazette-Journal, and was distributed by the Associated Press to the 10-5-98 Las Vegas Review-Journal: "Wynn, chairman of Mirage Resorts Inc., said he hoped to persuade commission members to reconsider when they meet Tuesday in Carson City. "'It (the earlier vote) nullified the whole idea,'" Wynn said. 'If museums couldn't charge, they couldn't survive...If I make it free,it's got no value. It won't bust anyone to make it 10 bucks.'" ---> City Life, the Las Vegas weekly newspaper, in its 24 Sept. 1998 edition, printed the following by reporter Mel Parkinson: "Wynn says he plans to charge an admission fee of $10 per person, arguing that 'every museum in the world charges admission in order to survive.' "According to Wynn's preliminary plan, the revenue would pay for security and other incidentals, and the surplus would be donated to charity. "Jerry Schefcik, manager of the Donna Beam Fine Arts Gallery at UNLV...says he has strong feelings about the proposed admission fee, regardless of Wynn's position on school group admittance. ---> "'From what I've heard, the gallery's only 2,000 square feet,' he says. "'If I went to a museum in New York, Washington or L.A., and spent $5-7 to get in, I'd be able to spend the whole day there and still not see everything. In my opinion, ten bucks for 2,000 square feet is ridiculous.' "Schefcik says he isn't so disturbed by the $12 entrance fee the Rio plans to charge visitors to its 'Treasures' exhibit. In order to house and display the collection, the Rio has constructed a 20,000-square-foot exhibition space on two floors. That's 5,000 square feet more than the Las Vegas Art Museum and 10 times the amount of floor space in the Bellagio gallery. "Schefcik says with an exhibit of that size, 'you can spend 12 bucks, spend some time there and get your money's worth.'" ---> Sen. Neal would appreciate the commission's consideration of the above facts and expert opinions. ---> The hearing begins at 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, Oct. 6, in the Nevada Legislative Building, Room 1214, in Carson City.
Date: Saturday, October 3, 1998 at 14:14:10
JOE VS. THE VOLCANO, THE NEVERENDING STORY --- Sen. Neal continues leading the fight against Las Vegas Strip mogul Steve Wynn's expensive casino art subsidy. This Tuesday, Oct. 6, the Nevada Tax Commission will continue its rulemaking regarding "adding a new regulation to Chapter 374 and Chapter 361 of NAC (Nevada Administrative Code) to establish the language for the exemption from sales/use taxes and ad valorem taxes on fine art." Wynn delivered an impassioned speech in favor of his corporate welfare last August, but only the tax commission chairwoman, a Circus-Circus Hotel-Casino executive, voted to allow Wynn to charge admission to his taxpayer-subsidized Bellagio Hotel-Casino art collection. Left unresolved was Wynn's attempt to expand the law to art owners, such as himself, who may lease art to casinos. Full details of the bill's history and its huge negative impact on school budgets remain available elsewhere on this site. The tax commission goes into session at 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, Oct. 6, in the Nevada State Legislative Building, Room 1214. ---> JONES TRAILS GUINN IN GOVERNOR'S RACE, according to a new Las Vegas Review-Journal poll, also accessible through the home page of this site. She might look at Guinn Watch, also accessible through the Neal98 front page, for heavy ammunition, compliments of Sen. Neal. More soon. Keep them cards and letters coming in.
Date: Wednesday, September 23, 1998 at 02:47:09
LAS VEGAS (Sept. 19) --- Sen. Neal was honored Saturday evening with the NAACP's second Medgar Evers Civil Rights Award. The honor is conveyed annually to an individual found to have broken new ground as an African-American. The dinner ceremony at Bally's Hotel came as part of the Tri-State Conference Convention held in Las Vegas by the nation's oldest civil rights organization. ---> State Assemblyman Wendell Williams, D-Las Vegas, accepted the award on Sen. Neal's behalf. Neal had duties as the featured speaker at the 20th pastoral anniversary for the Rev. Willie Davis of Second Baptist Missionary Church. ---> The award is named after Mississippi civil rights leader Medgar Evers who was gunned down in his own driveway in 1965. White supremacist Byron delaBeckwith was convicted of Evers' murder after two mistrials. The struggle to bring Evers' murderer to justice was the subject of the 1996 Rob Reiner film "Ghosts of Mississippi" starring Alec Baldwin, Whoopi Goldberg, James Woods and Bill Cobbs. Evers' widow, Myrlie Evers Williams, went on to chair the NAACP.
Date: Monday, September 14, 1998 at 19:12:24
LAS VEGAS (Sept. 14) --- In a speech before the annual state convention of the Nevada AFL-CIO in Las Vegas this afternoon, Sen. Neal made a strong case for supporting the President Clinton. He emphasized the president's experience and ability to keep our economy strong in the face of what appears to be worldwide economic shrinkage and, perhaps, depression. Sen Neal led off the afternoon session of the state's umbrella labor body on the first day of its meeting at the once-again unionized Frontier Hotel-Casino on the Las Vegas Strip. ---> GOOD COMPANY --- When both Las Vegas papers bash you editorially on the same day, your know you're doing something right. The Las Vegas Review-Journal, largest paper in Nevada, criticized Sen. Neal's call for a ban on casino political influence peddling as New Jersey has done since the Garden State legalized gambling 22 years ago. THE LVRJ is generally recognized as second only to the Elko Daily Free Press for hyper-conservative editorial positions. Read its latest demonstration of moral obtuseness at http://www.lvrj.com/lvrj_home/1998/Sep-14-Mon-1998/opinion/8205492.html ("Contribution ban won't work and it also happens to be unconstitutional") ---> VANITY UNFAIR --- The Review-Journal also ran a big spread about Steve Wynn's soon-to-open Bellagio Resort being featured in the October edition of Vanity Fair, a title certainly appropriate to the subject. It notes how Wynn's initial marketing campaign will feature a fictional Count and Countess Bellagio, a warmed-over version of the Reno Silver Legacy's mythical mining baron, Sam Fairchild. GREAT MIMES THINK ALIKE DEPT. ---> In his "Where I Stand" column today, Las Vegas Sun honcho Brian Greenspun praised Mr. Wynn's taxpayer-subsidized Bellagio art collection and supported Wynn's desire to force Nevadans, including school children, to pay to see the art they've already paid for. The tax break will take millions from school children for decades to come unless Sen. Neal can repeal the loophole next year. Mr. Greenspun does not note the school children's penalty in his piece. Read "In Las Vegas, pettiness has become an art form" at http://www.lasvegassun.com/sunbin/stories/text/1998/sep/14/507734381.html ---> At least the title seems appropriate. ---> COMING DISTRACTIONS --- Major hearings on utility deregulation and the Steve Wynn casino art tax break are coming up next month. Sen. Neal will be there as always, representing the interests of individuals against corporate power. Stay tuned and spread the word. Be well. Raise hell.
Date: Friday, September 11, 1998 at 00:02:56
WE MAY BE TOAST, BUT WE'RE STILL JAM-UP, JELLY-TIGHT AND STICKING WITH IT WHILE STICKIN' IT TO 'EM --- Dear friends and detractors: For those of you who have not heard, Sen. Neal did not prevail in the Sept. 1 Nevada primary. He lost to the Democratic casino candidate. Alas, Nevadans will now have a choice between two of a kind in November. You will find all the grisly nitty-gritty details at either the Las Vegas Review-Journal or Las Vegas Sun sites back on the front page. ---> A DAMON RUNYON ELECTION --- It was really a very simple --- we were playing on their astroturf woven from greenbacks. We simply did not generate enough TV money and were thus smothered by more than $300,000 of fluff spots. Had we been able to raise just 15% of that amount, we would have been neck-and-neck on election day --- largely because our message was so sensational ---> Please view our commercials through the front page link and judge for yourself what effect they might have had if we'd been able to spend more than $1,400 airing them. ---> None of the above constitutes an excuse. It's the campaign's fault for failing to properly endow itself in a money-intensive enterprise. To paraphrase Damon Runyon, never play the other guy's game. If somebody walks up and wants to bet that you've got cider in your ear, only two things are certain --- You're going to be out some cash and you're gonna have an earful of cider ---> BACK IN THE SADDLE --- Joe Neal and his guerrillas are old warhorses who have won some and lost some. One battle was lost. The war continues. Sen. Neal has already ordered the most populist bill drafts of the 1999 Nevada legislative session. His measures propose to (1) raise the gross gaming tax on the state's 31 largest casinos; (2) eliminate casino mogul Steve Wynn's art tax loophole (which gives Wynn millions every year at the expense of school children, a giveaway endorsed by both Demo and GOP casino candidates); (3) prohibit gambling enterprises or their executives from influencing politics (as New Jersey always has). Read Sen. Neal's proposal at http://www.lvrj.com/lvrj_home/1998/Sep-10-Thu-1998/news/8193345.html ---> FOR WHOM THE DEL POLLS --- Las Vegas Review-Journal pollster Del Ali foreshadowed the election result when his late August poll reflected no movement upward for Sen. Neal throughout the month. Fluff TV was flogging us flat. Now, it's payback time. ---> JOE NEAL, MOST POWERFUL MAN IN NEVADA --- Go to the Sept. 10 edition of City Life, the Las Vegas alternative weekly, and see for yourself. Read "Joe Neal has an ace up his sleeve" by Ken Ward at http://lvcitylife.com/notebook/stories/98091004nb.html ---> Sen. Neal may leave the Democratic Party and become an independent if such action would throw the Nevada State Senate into a 10-10 tie in January. At that point, Joe Neal brokers power up the organization chart and down a few stuffy throats. ---> KEEPING THE WEB WARM --- Not surprisingly, traffic at this site has been down 25% over the past week. WELL, WELCOME BACK AND COME ON DOWN! The Neal98 site WILL NOT GO AWAY. Professional silicon valley webwizards named it the best in Nevada and we're very proud of what it's accomplished. Check this bulletin board for regular updates on what's happening politically in the High Desert Outback of the American Dream. Furthermore, key in to the Nevada Labor Pages at www.NevadaLabor.com, home of the weekly Barbwire by Barbano column. E-mail me if you want anyone added to our list-serves. Keep working for a fair deal for Nevada. ---> Andrew Barbano, former campaign manager. As always, BE WELL. RAISE HELL.
Date: Thursday, August 27, 1998 at 00:22:13
NEAL WINS FIRST VOTE OF '98 PRIMARY --- Campaign Web Review has scored the www.Neal98.org website number one among Nevada gubernatorial candidates. Sen. Neal's site scored 8 out of a possible 10. Republican Aaron Russo's site took the silver with seven points, his GOP primary opponent Kenny Guinn placed third with a six. The "fourth Republican," Bruce Westcott, finished fourth with a score of five. Neal's principal competition in the Sept. 1 Democratic primary, Las Vegas Mayor Jan Jones, was last with two points. You will find the comments and criticisms from the trio of young cyberwizards both amusing and enlightening. Campaign Web Review was recognized as a USA Today Hot Site on July 24. It is written and edited by experts in the field of new media political strategies and political science. Read all about it at http://www.campaignwebreview.com/issues/08261998/1.shtml ---> NEAL ON TV IN RENO --- This Saturday, August 29 at 7:30 p.m., KTVN TV-2 will air a special edition of its longrunning "On Assignment" series. The program will feature the major Democrat and Republican candidates for governor. KTVN TV-2, northern Nevada's CBS television affiliate, is available over the air and on all cable systems in the region. ---> Be well. Raise hell.
Date: Wednesday, August 26, 1998 at 03:21:34
RENO --- CHEAP THRILLS ---> GO TO http://www.lasvegassun.com/elections98/adneal.html to see Sen. Neal's TV campaign. The odds are you'll never see them on TV because we can't afford much. So see them on the web. They are a rarity -- hardhitting and totally factual while committing no sin of omission or innuendo. They even come with footnotes and documentation. E us for a copy. The spots will soon be linked to the front page of this site, as will some final-week surprises. Keep surfing in ---> ZERO-ZIP-NADA-SNAKE EYES --- GUBERNATORIAL FINANCIAL REPORTS SUBMITTED TUESDAY show NO casino money in Sen. Neal's campaign. Imagine that. The full story will be posted on the front page shortly. Please E us if you need it faster. ---> ---> NEAL MAKES THE WASHINGTON POST AGAIN --- For the second time this year, the Neal campaign has made the Washington Post. A major article by veteran reporter Lou Cannon appears on page A-3 of the Wednesday, August 26, edition. Cannon, Ronald Reagan's biographer, grew up in the Reno-Sparks area and began his journalistic career there. His most recent book, "Official Negligence," critiques the media handling of the Rodney King videotape. He told Sen. Neal he wanted to meet the man doing the Nevada equivalent of running against tobacco in South Carolina. Read Cannon's story at http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/campaigns/keyraces98/stories/nv082698.htm ---> STAY TUNED FOR SURPRISES ON OUR FRONT PAGE. ---> Be well. Raise hell. AB
Date: Sunday, August 23, 1998 at 11:31:13
NEAL SCHEDULES TWO HOURS OF NORTHERN NEVADA TELEVISION --- RENO (August 23) --- KTVN TV-2 (CBS) THIS AFTERNOON --- Face the State, KTVN TV-2's longrunning public affairs program, has been re-scheduled from its regular morning time slot to 3:00 Sunday afternoon, August 23. Today, news anchor Chris Murphy interviews State Sen. Joe Neal (D-North Las Vegas), as part of the station's continuing coverage of the Nevada gubernatorial race. ---> RENO-SPARKS TCI CABLE SNCAT-16 THIS EVENING --- Carson City's popular public affairs program "Another Point of View," will air this evening at 6:00 on Reno-Sparks Sierra-Nevada Community Access Television (SNCAT) on TCI Channel 16. Former Common Cause-Nevada Chair Ellen Nelson interviews Sen. Neal, who also takes phone calls from the public. The show was originally cablecast live in the capital city a few days ago. ---> KTVN TV-2 SATURDAY, AUGUST 29 --- This Saturday at 7:30 p.m., KTVN TV-2 will air a special edition of its "On Assignment" series. The program will feature the major Democrat and Republican candidates for governor. KTVN, northern Nevada's CBS television affiliate, is available over the air and on all cable networks in the region.
Date: Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 16:39:50
FLASH! ROUND ONE TO JOE NEAL --- (LAS VEGAS, Nev.) --- The Las Vegas Sun just reported that the Nevada Tax Commission has ruled that the public must have FREE access to Bellagio art. ---> "If casino owner Steve Wynn wants to take advantage of a tax break for fine art at his soon-to-open Bellagio hotel-casino, the gallery will have to be open free to the public at least 20 hours a week," veteran Sun reporter Ed Koch wrote. ---> Sen. Joe Neal stated "the public should not be forced to pay for Mr. Wynn's art collection twice: first with a huge tax break...then again in the form of admission fees." ---> "Wynn, who figures to get $15 million in tax breaks the first year and nearly $3 million a year after that, said earlier that admission fees are necessary because of the high cost of displaying the art, which includes transportation, insurance, and security," the Sun reported. ---> Read the full story at http://www.lasvegassun.com/sunbin/stories/text/1998/aug/19/507615650.html ---> The Tax Commission is back in session as this is uploaded. Among other things, commissioners will consider defining what constitutes "public access" and "what is art?" If they adequately handle the latter, I nominate them to look into "what is the meaning of life?" ---> STAY TUNED. Be well. Raise hell. AB
Date: Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 16:03:07
FLASH! --- We have just been informed that the Nevada Tax Commission reached no decision this morning and will continue work on the Steve Wynn art tax loophole rulemaking this afternoon at 4:00 p.m. PDT. As he has since this goofy idea was first shoved throught the legislature last year, Sen. Neal will be there to oppose the taking of millions from school children to benefit a billionaire on corporate welfare. Stay tuned. Be well. Raise hell.
Date: Wednesday, August 19, 1998 at 02:32:54
READY FOR PRIME TIME: NEAL BRINGS CASINO TAX ISSUES TO STATEWIDE TELEVISION JUST IN TIME FOR TODAY'S STEVE WYNN CASINO ART TAX LOOPHOLE HEARING ------> (LAS VEGAS) -- Just in time for today's final Nevada Tax Commission hearing on the multimillion-dollar Steve Wynn art tax break, Sen. Joe Neal's campaign for governor brings the issue to Las Vegas television. ---> Sen. Neal (D-North Las Vegas) will continue his lonely fight this morning against billionaire Steve Wynn's juggernaut which juiced a preferential tax break through last year's legislative session. Neal led the fight against the bill. Wynn is applying for a tax break on high-priced works of art for both his existing Mirage Resort and the soon to open Bellagio. Recent reports have pegged his expenditures at more than $300 million. ---> The Nevada Tax Commission will vote today on final rules for administering the loophole, as well as on Wynn's attempts to have the tax break expanded without legislative authority. ---> The Nevada Tax Commission goes into session at 8:00 a.m. in room "McCarran 2" near Gate B-17 at McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas. ---> The new TV spots bring to the fore what one poll reflected as the two issues displaying highest voter top-of-mind awareness in this election: fairness in casino taxation and repeal of the casino art tax loophole which penalizes school children at the same time Nevada education faces a shortfall of up to $48 million and perhaps more. ---> The Wynn art tax loophole story has made international news. The Art Newspaper of London (UK) published a story on the issue earlier this summer. A New York paper reportedly carries a story in today's editions. ---> The new TV commercials are unique in that they utilize neither innuendo nor sin of omission. Instead, they are based on facts easily verified by public records. The spot continuity and fact-checking references are available by e-mail request. TV news departments wanting copies for news use should contact Andrew Barbano in Reno. ---> The spots have already been airing in northern Nevada. The Neal campaign will soon have the commercials digitized and viewable at www.neal98.org by anyone with proper hardware and software. ---> We will also post approximate airtimes for both northern and southern Nevada at the bulletin board of the Neal98.org site as station logs close. ---> Here are tonight's spot placements on Las Vegas 1, the Las Vegas Sun/KLAS TV-8 all-news channel. The programming appears on Prime Cable channels one and 39. ---> :15 "Qualifications", 8:51 p.m. ---> :30 "Art Tax", 9:35 p.m. ---> :15 "Gaming Share", 10:23 p.m. ---> :15 "Qualifications", 1:06 a.m. ---> Let's go win this thing! Be well. Raise hell.
Date: Wednesday, August 12, 1998 at 02:32:24
NEAL ON NORTHERN NEVADA MEDIA --- RENO --- Sen. Neal will take phone calls and answer questions on live northern Nevada radio and television this week. ---> WEDNESDAY, Aug. 12, at 2:00 p.m., he will be a guest of longtime talk radio personality J.R. Reynolds on KRNV 101.7-fm. The on-air phone number is (702) 785-1234. ---> THURSDAY, Aug. 13, 8:00 p.m. --- Sen. Neal will be a guest on "Another Point of View" on Carson Cable Access Television Channel 10. Longtime capital city activist Ellen Nelson will guest-host for Nannette Moffett. The call-in line is (702) 882-2839. The program will be repeated on Carson Cable at 1:00 p.m. Friday, August 14, and on the SNCAT system in Reno and Sparks at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, August 23. Tell your friends and set your recording times.
Date: Monday, August 10, 1998 at 15:08:15
GOOD NEWS FOR US: In case you haven't seen it, go to the front page of the Sunday, August 9, Las Vegas Review Journal for an in-depth look at the campaign as it stands right now. It's well worth your reading and also *forwarding* to your personal e-mail list. ---> There's also a good Q& A section contrasting the positions of the five major GOP/Demo candidates. ---> AND OUR BUTTON, REPRODUCED IN FULL COLOR, LOOKS BETTER THAN THE OTHERS! ---> HERE'S THE URL: http://www.lvrj.com/lvrj_home/1998/Aug-09-Sun-1998/news/7871692.html ---> "DEMOCRATS: Maneuvering for the Mansion, The race for governor" By Jane Ann Morrison ---> Assuming the Las Vegas Review-Journal's recent poll was correct, we could be about 15 points down right now, with the trend going our way. ---> Keep up the good work and press on regardless. WE CAN WIN THIS THING. ---> And remember, as Napolean once said, "when your enemy is destroying himself, never interfere." ---> Be well. Raise hell. ---> Andrew Barbano ---> http://www.neal98.org
Date: Saturday, August 8, 1998 at 14:34:31
HAWTHORNE, SATURDAY (Aug. 8) --- Sen. Neal today stops at the Walker Lake home of a longtime former colleague, State Sen. Richard Blakemore (D-Central Nevada), to meet Mineral County residents. Sen. Blakemore has put together a public meeting and speech for Sen. Neal this evening at 7:30 p.m. at the Mineral County Public Library at 1st and "A" streets. ---> RENO, FRIDAY (Aug. 7) --- At Friday evening's fundraiser at the top floor of the Reno Holiday Inn, Sen. Neal met with Reno/Carson area supporters and related a series of humorous anecdotes from his ongoing tour of rural Nevada. The campaign's new television campaign was warmly received. ---> Those attending included Bob Fulkerson, state director of the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada; his former wife Sheila Leslie, the frontrunner for Assembly District 27; State Sen. Bernice Martin-Mathews (D-Reno/Sparks); Assemblywoman Vivian Freeman (D-Reno); the Rev. William Webb; former Common Cause-Nevada Chair Pat Fladager; Democratic state controller nominee Mary Sanada; Reno mayoral candidates Judy Pruett-Herman and Sam Dehné; Reno civil rights leaders Onie Cooper (event chair) and Eddie Scott; Nevada Democratic Party official Brooks Stratmore and Washoe County Democratic Chair Shane Piccinini. Perhaps most notable were the Republicans and Libertarians who attended.
Date: Saturday, August 8, 1998 at 14:29:49
POLL GOOD NEWS FOR NEAL ---> AUGUST 7 --- In case you haven't seen it, go to http://www.lvrj.com/lvrj_home/1998/Aug-07-Fri-1998/news/7988791.html to view the latest Las Vegas Review-Journal/KTNV TV-13 poll of the Nevada gubernatorial race. The survey presents especially good news for underdogs Aaron Russo and Joe Neal. ---> Hollywood producer and multi-millionaire Russo has gone from 41 points down to just seven in the GOP primary. His saturation television budget is, of course, a major factor. He could not have accomplished this run-up without tremendous assistance from the Guinn campaign and all its high-priced consultants. ---> The Guinn campaign has been soft from the start, while Mr. Russo has talked populist issues. ---> *Predixion* (you heard it here first): Sig Rogich will take a maneuver from his 1970 Ed Fike playbook to try to turn matters around. Back then, columnist Jack Anderson and the Las Vegas Sun had run an exposé on GOP shoo-in Ed Fike, the Kenny Guinn of his day (they even share the same hairstyle and jawline). ---> "Fike in state land grab" remains one of the most famous headlines in Nevada political history. As a shunt to sidetrack the withering criticism, my old friend Sig and the rest of the Fike faction pulled the old red herring maneuver. They came up with a populist issue to try to get back on a positive track. ---> Fike announced that as governor, he would repeal the sales tax on food. That was easier said than done. Such a revision of state tax law would require a five-year constitutional amendment process. Fike immediately had to change his commercials with a clarification, concluding "it *CAN* be done." Actually, Fike was done. You could stick a fork in him. ---> I predict that the neo-Fike-ites will try just such a shuck to try to turn their Russo problem around. You can win bar bets with it. ---> NEAL HELPS RUSSO & VICE-VERSA --- Mr. Russo also got a little help from the Neal campaign. He used the Neal '98 opposition research on Kenny Guinn to his advantage, posting our Guinn Watch to the front page of his website. We loved his heavy advertising of his URL, because once people got to him, they were a click away from Joe Neal. (Go to http://www.russo4gov.com and scroll down to Kenny Guinn Watch.) ---> While Sen. Neal and Mr. Russo could not disagree more on political issues, Mr. Russo showed some class the morning after Sen. Neal came close to death in a Las Vegas auto accident. Russo's office was the first to call with get-well wishes, followed by Nevada Republican Liberty Caucus chair Charles Muth and the office of Mr. Guinn. The Democratic hierarchy's well wishes are still lost in the mail. ---> NEAL'S GOOD POLLING NEWS --- A political rule of thumb holds that once a candidate breaks the 30% negative threshold, he or she becomes almost unelectable. Mayor Jones has gone from 21% negative in the LVRJ poll taken June 8-10 to 25% negative in the poll released Friday, Aug. 7. Her lead over Sen. Neal has shrunk from 27 points to 19 points over that same eight-week period. ---> Sen. Neal's negatives have amazingly shrunk. In the LVRJ/TV-13 poll conducted February 19-21, his negatives stood at 9 points, surprisingly low for someone with 26 years in public service. His negatives rose to 13 points in June, within the realm of sampling error and proving that he withstood without harm the gambling industry-inspired attacks of Gov. Miller, Sen. Bryan, Speaker Dini and State Senate Minority Leader Titus. ---> This also reflects that senior U.S. Senator Harry Reid's endorsement of Her Honor has had no effect on Sen. Neal. How it affects Sen. Reid's standing with the African-American community and Sen. Neal's statewide base is another matter entirely. ---> Mr. Russo's negatives have sharply increased, as have Mr. Guinn's. Their respective negative percentages, February/June/July: Russo - 7/32/37. Guinn: 6/10/24. Remember, Sen. Neal's are 9/13/9 and beware the 30% threshold. ---> The undecided across the board hovers around 20%, highly consistent with historical numbers for this point in the state's highest-profile race. ---> Sen. Neal stood within 11 points of Mr. Guinn in February and 13 points today, basically the same and well within the range of sampling error. He has widened his lead in a matchup with Mr. Russo, from 26-22 in February to 39-32 in July, the latter standing outside the range of sampling error. ---> Sen. Neal's greatest deficiency lies in name identification, standing the same as February. Almost four in 10 likely voters don't know him. We will reduce that number with television spots starting next week. ---> CHILLY IN PHILLY: The Jones campaign has yet to follow through on a pledge to debate before the primary. Philadelphia-based Jones campaign manager Denise Rawles so committed Madame Mayor last Tuesday before Washoe County Democrats. ---> The Jones campaign has received this message: How about Thursday evening, August 13, in Carson City on live TV? ---> Be there or be square.
Date: Friday, August 7, 1998 at 01:06:59
THE LATEST FROM THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL ---> JOE NEAL ON THE ROAD IN THE HIGH DESERT OUTBACK OF THE AMERICAN DREAM ---> AUSTIN (Aug. 6) --- Sen. Neal attended a candidates night and addressed more than 150 people. "It seemed that the whole town turned out." He picked up on a feeling of detachment reflected by those in attendance. "You may think you are Democrats or Republicans," Sen. Neal told the enthusiastic crowd, "but you have no power because there is only a gaming party in Nevada." ---> BATTLE MOUNTAIN (Aug. 5) --- Sen. Neal spoke at a Republican-sponsored candidates night and enjoyed his reception by the residents of Lander County. ---> ELKO (Aug. 3-5) --- Sen. Neal posted a very strong three days in booming Elko County with the help of former Elko State Sen. Norman Glaser (D). Sen Neal toured the new University of Nevada Dodd-Beals firefighting complex under construction near Carlin before heading to Lander County. The ultra-conservative Elko Daily Free Press featured him on the front page for two consecutive days. ---> RENO (Aug. 5)--- The campaign's first TV spots are ready. They will be previewed at the Neal fundraiser at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 7, at the Holiday Inn on Sixth Street in Reno. (Tell your friends - there's no minimum charge. Be there or be square.) The event has been moved into the top floor Sky Room, which basically reflects the way this underdog campaign has been going lately. The new spots begin airing next week and will be the hardest-hitting commercials in the state because they introduce a new dimension: the unvarnished, plain truth without innuendo or sin of omission. The gambling-industrial complex, which has not donated to the Neal campaign, is highly unlikely to change that policy after these hit the air. Las Vegas media have already requested scripts. ---> LAS VEGAS --- Personal thanks from Sen. Neal to the young man who stayed out till 5:00 a.m. placing Neal signs, then had to report to his job soon thereafter. You know who you are, and we appreciate your devotion to the cause. ---> WASHINGTON, DC, AND THE WORLD --- The www.Neal98.org website was included in a Washington Post article on Monday, Aug. 3. See "Nationwide, candidates spin the web" by John P. Martin at http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/local/longterm/library/mdelect/candidatesites.htm Here's the best excerpt (other than the part about the Neal campaign): "Before 1998 is over, some unsuspecting, well-entrenched elected official ... will be toppled from office by a young, under-funded challenger using the unlikeliest of political slingshots. The Internet." We resemble that remark, especially the underfunded part. ---> PHILADELPHIA --- No response as yet from Jan Laverty Jones' campaign manager Denise Rawles of Philly, PA. At a meeting of Democrats in Reno Tuesday night, she committed Mayor Jones to a public debate on the issues before the Sept. 1 Nevada Democratic gubernatorial primary. Can we talk? ---> LONDON, UK --- The Joe Neal vs. Steve Wynn clash over the casino art tax loophole has gone international. The monthly Art News of London printed a story about the Wynn's raid on funds he wants to divert from school children to his own pockets. A New York newspaper picked up on the story and interviewed Sen. Neal earlier this week. Neal primary opponent Jan Jones and GOP frontrunner Kenny Guinn support the Wynn loophole at a time when Nevada schools face an almost $50 million shortfall and perhaps more. --- > Keep them cards, letters and occasional checks coming in. ---> Be well. Raise hell.
Date: Wednesday, August 5, 1998 at 01:11:56
MAYOR JAN JONES COMMITS TO DEBATE BEFORE PRIMARY --- Neal: "Let's get it on!" RENO (August 4) " State Sen. Joe Neal (D-North Las Vegas) responded with enthusiasm tonight when informed that Las Vegas Mayor Jan Laverty Jones has committed to debate before the September 1 Democratic gubernatorial primary. Campaigning this week in Elko with former State Sen. Norman Glaser (D-Elko), Neal said "let's get it on." ---> Jones and Neal had previously both committed to appear on the same morning last Wednesday at KTHX Radio in Reno. When the Neal campaign suggested they go head-to-head, Mayor Jones backed out. ---> "No debate" was the response given at the time by the Jones campaign to KTHX Program Director Bruce Van Dyke. (He may be reached at [702] 333-0123 or bruce@thex.net .) ---> On July 7, the Neal campaign e-mailed a debate request to Mayor Jones' northern Nevada director, Buffy Martin. That memo was forwarded to Denise Rawles, Jones' Philadelphia-based campaign manager. In Reno tonight, noting her authority as campaign manager in front of the Washoe County Democratic Central Committee, Ms. Rawles committed Mayor Jones to debating before the primary election. ---> Democratic candidates Jim Champagne of Reno and southern Nevadans Carlo Poliak and Ed Swindle were in attendance. ---> Elected officials present included State Sen. Bernice Martin-Mathews (D-Reno), Assemblywoman Vivian Freeman (D-Reno), Assemblyman Bernie Anderson (D-Sparks), Washoe County Assessor Robert McGowan, Washoe Democratic Chair Shane Piccinini and Vice-Chair Martha Gould.
Date: Tuesday, July 28, 1998 at 08:07:27
BIRTHDAY PRESENT --- JAN JONES SAYS NO --- TODAY IS SEN. NEAL'S 63rd BIRTHDAY. He was born on this date in Mounds, La. ---> SEN. NEAL WILL MAKE THE FOLLOWING NORTHERN NEVADA RADIO AND TELEVISION APPEARANCES THIS WEEK ---> RADIO: JULY 28 (Tuesday) News-Talk KKOH 780-am, 4:20 p.m. ---> RADIO: JULY 29 (Wednesday) KTHX (The X) 100.1-fm, 8:45 a.m. Sen. Neal will be a guest on the Bruce Van Dyke Show. His principal gubernatorial primary opponent, Las Vegas Mayor Jan Laverty Jones, informed Mr. Van Dyke of her availability for the same time and date. She backed out when Sen. Neal likewise committed for Wednesday morning and suggested that they appear together. ---> TV: JULY 30 (Thursday) KOLO TV-8, 6:20 a.m. (approximate) ---> LATINO RADIO: JULY 30 (Thursday) KXTO 1550-a.m, 8:00 a.m. with longtime Ahora newspaper publisher Miguel Sepulveda. ---> SPREAD THE WORD ---> AUGUST 7 (Friday): Volunteer Gathering & Fundraiser ---> Reno Holiday Inn, 7:30 p.m., Sixth Street between Wells and Sutro, in the main floor meeting room area ---> Snacks and refreshments will be served. While the event is a fundraiser, at Sen. Neal's request there will be no set admission price. People who attend may contribute what they can afford. For more information, contact Onie Cooper, (702) 358-6754.
Date: Friday, July 24, 1998 at 01:10:24
NEAL: PROJECTED MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR SCHOOL SHORTFALL UNDERSCORES NEED TO INCREASE TAX ON LARGE CASINOS, REPEAL TWO GAMBLING INDUSTRY LOOPHOLES ---> NORTH LAS VEGAS (July 22) --- State Sen. Joe Neal (D-North Las Vegas) this week decried Nevada's projected school funding shortfall as "all the proof necessary for raising the gross gaming tax on Nevada's largest casinos and closing two loopholes the industry pushed through the 1997 legislative session. Nevada's school funding has been based on quicksand for two decades," the 26-year lawmaker said. ---> "Last year's legislative session only made things worse," Neal added. "One loophole so far benefits only Steve Wynn and another allows tax deductions for imaginary losses generated by promotional casino coupons and free chips," the senate's senior Democrat stated. ---> Mirage casino mogul Wynn stands to save more than $15 million this year alone from a tax break on expensive art purchased for his new Bellagio Resort scheduled to open later this year. About $6 million of that figure will come from the local school support tax. [For a detailed breakdown, go to http://www.neal98.org/nukes.html#cost] As of mid-June, six casinos had applied to the Nevada Gaming Control Board for a total of $982,906 in deductions for promotional chip "losses." [http://www.lasvegassun.com/sunbin/stories/text/1998/jun/17/507351852.html] Press reports this week disclosed a potential public school shortfall ranging from $19.2 million to $48.2 million. [http://www.lvrj.com/lvrj_home/1998/Jul-21-Tue-1998/news/7882151.html] "This is only the latest example of school children paying for a tax system which takes from the weak and humble and gives to the rich," Neal said. "Once again, Gov. Miller's administration has used sales tax projections which have missed the mark by half. The legislature always budgets on a rosy scenario, but real people get hurt when the thorns start to show," Neal stated. ---> Gross gaming tax projections also overshot their mark by more than half, 6.8 percent projected versus 3.2 percent actual. Sales taxes were forecast to grow by more than eight percent, but actually increased only about four percent for fiscal 1998. ---> "Nevada's large casinos pay the lowest gaming taxes in the country at 6.25 percent. That rate has not been raised since 1987, while the taxes and fees paid by the average individual have increased much more," Neal said. The conservative Nevada Policy Research Institute last February published a comparison of state tax burdens. [http://www.npri.org/issues/hightax.htm] Figures from the Tax Foundation of Washington, DC, ranked Nevada sixth in state and local taxes per capita for 1997. ---> "It's a myth that we are a low-tax state in which to live," Neal says. "Too much of the tax burden is on the backs of the little people. My proposals constitute a modest attempt to correct some of this inequity," the gubernatorial candidate added. ---> Nevada stands among just six states generating more than half of tax revenue from sales taxes, according to 1996 figures from the Tax Foundation (Reno Gazette-Journal 3-2-98). Sales taxes just surpassed gaming taxes as the largest source of the state's general fund revenues (Reno Gazette-Journal 7-23-98). ---> "Sales taxes are the ultimate regressive levy," Sen. Neal says. "The less you earn, the larger the percentage of your income which goes to taxes. Only about a quarter of Nevada sales taxes are paid by tourists. The lion's share comes from residents," Neal notes. "Casinos basically pay nothing in state taxes," Neal asserts. "Nevada gaming taxes are fully deductible on federal income tax returns. I'm just proposing that we keep more of the money here at home rather than send it to Washington," the 26-year lawmaker added. ---> Neal's proposed increase of two percent for large gambling operators would divert about $138.4 million per year from federal government coffers to the state treasury. Neal also favors repeal of the per-head employee tax. As the largest employers, gambling houses would benefit most from that tax cut. "Gaming just doesn't pay its fair share," he added. "The public pays for the costs of addiction and other gambling-related problems," Neal stated.
Date: Friday, July 24, 1998 at 01:05:21
CASINO MOGUL STEVE WYNN SUPPORTS GUINN AND JONES BOTH OF WHOM SUPPORT MR. WYNN ---> Mr. Wynn supports the twin millionaire ticket for governor, Kenny Guinn (R) and Jan Jones (D). (See Jeff German's column in the 6-14-98 Las Vegas Sun, http://www.lasvegassun.com/sunbin/stories/text/1998/jun/13/507336628.html). Mayor Jones supports Mr. Wynn's fine art tax break which drains money from schools. (See "Neal asks officials to block fine art fees" in the 6-18-98 Las Vegas Review Journal, http://www.lvrj.com/lvrj_home/1998/Jun-18-Thu-1998/news/7702699.html). Mr. Guinn dismissed repealing the Wynn loophole as a tax increase on gaming (Las Vegas One cable news, 5-28-98) and opposes any increases on the industry. [http://www.lasvegassun.com/sunbin/stories/text/1998/jun/17/507351852.html] The Nevada Tax Commission will make final rules regarding Mr. Wynn's loophole at 8:00 a.m., Wednesday, August 19, at McCarran International Airport, Las Vegas. Sen. Neal will attend.
Date: Wednesday, July 22, 1998 at 02:12:03
(JULY 22) X-FILES: Bruce Van Dyke, program director of The X (KTHX 100.1-fm), will spend a few minutes talking with campaign manager Andrew Barbano Wednesday morning at about 9:40. The alternative rock station's signal can be heard throughout northwestern Nevada. Tune in, turn on and tell a friend. --- > (JULY 24-26) SEN. NEAL TOURS LINCOLN AND WHITE PINE COUNTIES THIS WEEKEND: --- > FRIDAY: Alamo, Caliente. --- > SATURDAY, Pioche, Panaca (parade and afternoon BBQ) --- > SATURDAY: Baker, BBQ and dance in the evening. (The little town on the Utah border where candidates never go gets two this weekend. Democratic state controller candidate Mary Sanada and the Las Vegas Sun's Las Vegas Weekly Magazine will accompany the caravan.) --- > SUNDAY: 9:00 a.m. town hall meeting at the Baker Community Center. --- > SUNDAY: ELY, 3:00 p.m. Sen. Neal speaks at the White Pine County Library. --- > KEEP AN EYE ON www.washingtonpost.com. They are doing a piece on website campaigning. They called us last week. ---> NEAL FUNDRAISER: Friday, August 7, Holiday Inn on Sixth Street in Reno. Chairman: Onie Cooper, (702) 358-6754. No set minimum, just whatever attendees can afford, per Sen. Neal's instructions. We are happy to report that Mr. Cooper is back better than ever after his hospital stay earlier this month.
Date: Wednesday, July 22, 1998 at 02:01:05
SEN. NEAL'S HEALTH UPDATE --- For someone who has always laughed off adversity, this time laughing it off hurts. Just think of having Mark McGwire take a couple of swings at your ribs. Nonetheless, Sen. Neal has been keeping campaign appointments and trying to avoid coughing or sneezing. He thanks everyone for the get-well wishes. Had not the post between the driver's side doors held, his injuries could have been much worse when his car was t-boned by a Jeep. Special thanks to Dodge Motor Division and the UAW.
Date: Wednesday, July 22, 1998 at 01:51:43
FREE EXPENSIVE WORLD CLASS ART --- This is your lucky day! Every resident of Nevada can now have his or her own Joe Neal for Governor sign, union-made and suitable for framing. Sen. Neal will even personally sign these works of fine art the next time he visits your community. They are yours forevermore in exchange for a small service: just display yours on your lawn or other prominent place now through November 2. ---> They were produced for a very expensive price. Sen. Neal came close to getting killed on his way to rent a van to deliver them to your town. Remember, if the artist croaks, they automatically go up in value. --- > They are of such rare quality that one day they may easily be worth more than $25,000 apiece. When that happens, not only will you possess a valuable asset, you can also take advantage of the art tax break now enjoyed only by Sen. Neal's biggest fan, Mirage/Bellagio casino magnate Steve Wynn. --- > Mr. Wynn inexplicably supports the twin millionaire ticket for governor, Kenny Guinn (R) and Jan Jones (D). (See http://www.lasvegassun.com/sunbin/stories/text/1998/jun/13/507336628.html). --- > Mayor Jones supports Mr. Wynn's tax freebie (http://www.lvrj.com/lvrj_home/1998/Jun-18-Thu-1998/news/7702699.html). Mr. Guinn says that repealing it constitutes a tax increase on gaming (Las Vegas One cable news, 5-28-98). --- >Sen. Neal may succeed in getting the tax break repealed before your artwork reaches the $25,000 threshold, but the way gaming controls the legislature, who knows? Today, it's "show me the Monet", tomorrow casinos may get a tax break for providing drinks and valet parking. Be sure to save those fine art cocktail napkins and car claim checks. --- > "Neal-- A Fair Deal for Nevada" signs are available in a limited edition (limited by not getting any contributions from the gambling industry), so reserve yours now. --- > WYNN ART TAX BREAK: The Nevada Tax Commission will make final rules regarding how Mr. Wynn will loot the schools at 8:00 a.m., Wednesday, August 19, at McCarran International Airport, Las Vegas. Sen. Neal will attend.
Date: Friday, July 10, 1998 at 01:02:52
NEAL SURVIVES LAS VEGAS CAR CRASH --- Dear Friends: As some of you may have heard, Sen. Joe Neal (D-North Las Vegas), was involved in a serious auto accident in Las Vegas Wednesday night. The Nevada gubernatorial candidate's car was totaled, he was not. ---> Both Sen. Neal and his longtime campaign associate, Spurgeon Daniels, were fortunately wearing their seat belts. Mr. Daniels told me early Thursday morning that the post between the two driver's side doors took most of the impact and spared Sen. Neal more serious injury. ---> Sen. Neal was released after several hours at University Medical Center. He is recovering from bruised ribs. Fortunately, neither Mr. Daniels nor the driver of the other vehicle were injured. ---> Sen. Neal was cited by the Nevada Highway Patrol for making an apparently quite untimely u-turn. He and Mr. Daniels were on their way to Budget Car Rental to pick up a vehicle for distributing campaign signs in rural and northern Nevada. Those of you who were expecting sign drops, please be advised that we will be delayed a day or two. ---> The first get-well call I got in Reno after the news broke came from GOP gubernatorial candidate and Hollywood producer Aaron Russo's office. ---> Sen. Neal is recovering and sends his thanks for all the good wishes. ---> Andrew Barbano, Campaign Manager
Date: Friday, July 10, 1998 at 00:52:28
JULY 10 --- Andy, I'm on the road and just read your e-mail about Sen. Neal's unfortunate accident. Glad to hear he's going to be OK. Please extend my wish for a speedy recovery. The guv race is much more interesting with him in it! ---> Chuck Muth (Mr. Muth chairs the Nevada Republican Liberty Caucus)
Date: Friday, July 10, 1998 at 00:41:30
CAMPAIGN UPDATE --- Wednesday's accident marred what has otherwise been a very up week. Sen. Neal was the only statewide candidate to participate in the July 4 Silver State International Rodeo Parade in Fallon. He also attended the joint Washoe/Carson Democratic picnic at Bowers Mansion in Washoe Valley and closed Independence Day at a concert in Reno's Wingfield Park on the Truckee River. --- > Sen. Neal spoke before Sun City seniors in southern Nevada on Monday and the Las Vegas Host Lions Club on Tuesday. He also guested on a talk radio program on KVBC 105.1-fm on Tuesday. --- > WALKING WOUNDED --- The campaign was further saddened earlier this week with the news that northern Nevada fundraising chairman and longtime civil rights activist Onie Cooper has been hospitalized at the Ioannis A. Lougaris Veterans Medical Center in Reno. Mr. Cooper told me he hopes to be discharged by the end of this week. ---> FACE TO FACE --- Las Vegas Mayor Jan Jones and Sen. Neal met out on the hustings for the first time on July 27 in Yerington at the Lyon County Democrats' Jefferson-Jackson Dinner. Assembly Speaker Joe Dini (D-Yerington), Sen. Ernie Adler (D-Carson City/Lyon County) and controller candidate Mary Sanada, CPA, shared the head table. Assemblyman Dini noted how Nevada's low taxes make us attractive for business. Sen. Neal countered during his speech, stating that while the gross gaming tax has not risen since 1987, individual taxes and fees have risen 200% over the same period. Mayor Jones was accompanied to the event by her husband, gaming executive Richard Scheutz. --- > CARTOON FACE-OFF --- For those who have asked what happened in the latest confrontation between Sen. Neal and casino magnate Steve Wynn's major domo Alan Feldman, the answer is not much. They faced off once again on June 26 at the American Assn. of Editorial Cartoonists' convention at Caesars Palace in LV. Sen. Neal reiterated the unfairness of taking money from school children to give Feldman's billionaire boss a tax break on expensive art purchases. Mr. Feldman disagreed. Mayor Jones is on the record as supporting the Steve Wynn tax loophole. GOP frontrunner Kenny Guinn dismissed Sen. Neal's proposal to repeal it as a "tax increase." You will find full details on the front page and below here on the Neal 98 the bulletin board.
Date: Friday, July 10, 1998 at 00:30:27
JULY 16 (TUESDAY) Carson City --- NEAL V. WYNN, ROUND UMPTEEN --- The Nevada Tax Commission has scheduled another workshop on the Wynn art tax loophole on Thursday, July 16, at 1:00 p.m. in room 2144 of the Nevada State Legislature in Carson City. The final rule will be adopted in Las Vegas on August 11. All tax fairness activists and supporters of public education are invited to join Sen. Neal in his fight to close the corporate welfare loophole for billionaires.
Date: Friday, July 10, 1998 at 00:21:39
NEAL PRAISED --- The Steve Wynn high-priced art tax loophole has generated perhaps the most favorable press comment of the campaign. Geoff Schumacher, editor of City Life, the Las Vegas alternative weekly, wrote this in the June 25 edition: >NEVADA SORELY LACKING IN PEOPLE'S CHAMPIONS --- >Nevada needs Joe Neal. The Democratic state senator from North Las Vegas is one of the few hell-raisers we have in this PR-obsessed state. --- [Neal does not kneel to gaming] --- >Neal is a much-needed thorn in the gaming industry's side. Unlike most of his colleagues in public office, he doesn't kneel before the almighty casinos. He questions their motives and their commitment to the public good. --- >Somebody's got to provide a democratic balance in public affairs involving gaming, and Neal, sadly, has been a lone wolf in most instances. There are far too few people and institutions in Nevada willing to stand up to the gaming juggernaut... --- >The Review-Journal reported last week that Neal argued for 3 1/2 hours with the Mirage attorney, questioning "nearly every word the resort's attorney proposed." Good for him. --- >It will come as no surprise when the Tax Commission and Clark County Assessor Mark Schofield ignore Neal's views as they draft the regulations and set the policies concerning the tax break in the coming weeks. --- >But imagine how unrepresented the public would have been at the hearing without Neal there. --- > Nevada needs Joe Neal. But it doesn't deserve him. --- You can read the full story at City Life's new website, http://www.lvcitylife.com/notebook/stories/98062503nb.html --- (Websurfer's note: I am not alone among Netscape users who have had no luck accessing the City Life site. I had no problem getting to it through America Online's more cumbersome Microsoft Explorer. GOP gubernatorial candidate Russo's site shares the same hangup.)
Date: Monday, July 6, 1998 at 22:49:22
Sen. Joe Neal returns to the Las Vegas airwaves Tuesday, July 7, at 9:00 a.m. on KVBC 105.1-fm, sometimes known as News 3 FM. The on-air phone number is 642-1051. Tune in, turn on and tell a friend.
Date: Monday, July 6, 1998 at 22:42:08
Sen. Joe Neal returns to the Las Vegas airwaves Tuesday, July 7, at 9:00 a.m. on KVBC 105.1-fm, sometimes known as News 3 FM. The on-air phone number is 642-1051. Turn on, tune in and tell a friend.
Date: Wednesday, June
24, 1998 at 21:20:27
6/26 (Friday) LAS VEGAS --- JOE VS. THE VOLCANO, ROUND 5 --- Sen. Joe Neal and Steve Wynn's alter ego, Alan Feldman, go head-to-head on the art tax loophole one more time at Caesars Palace; Florentine rooms 3 and 4; 10:45 a.m. Both will participate in a panel discussion on the effects of gambling on a community; hosted by the national convention of the American Association of Editorial Cartoonists. For more information, contact nationally-syndicated cartoonist Mike Smith [mike@lasvegassun.com] at the Las Vegas Sun, (702) 259-4092. Article in yesterday's Sun may be accessed at http://www.lasvegassun.com/sunbin/stories/text/1998/jun/23/507376154.html
Date: Wednesday, June 24, 1998 at 21:16:45
6/25 (Thursday) CARSON CITY --- NEVADA TAX COMMISSION, 9:30 a.m., Nev. Dept. of Education Bldg., 700 E. 5th Street, main conference room. Sen. Neal will attend the hearing set to finalize rules for Mirage casino mogul Steve Wynn's art tax loophole, a law supported by Las Vegas Mayor Jan Jones. (GOP gubernatorial frontrunner Kenny Guinn says he is studying the issue. On May 28 on Las Vegas 1, the local cable news channel, Mr. Guinn dismissed Sen. Neal's call for repeal of the art tax loophole as a "tax increase" on the gaming industry.)
Date: Wednesday, June 24, 1998 at 21:06:34
WASHINGTON, DC (JUNE 24) -- Las Vegas Mayor Jan Jones was today endorsed by EMILY's (Early Money Is Like Yeast) List, the feminist PAC (political action committee). To the best of my knowledge, EMILY's List has not contacted Sen. Neal, and that's truly unfortunate. A little research would have shown that Sen. Neal rises head and shoulders above all Nevada gubernatorial candidates on womens' issues. --- Madame Mayor cannot approach the level of Sen. Joe Neal's feminist credentials. The story of his engineering the 1977 state senate passage of the Equal Rights Amendment is legendary in Nevada and has long been posted on our website. --- The good people at EMILY's List need to do a little more research on who proposes to serve the interests of Nevada women and children. Sen. Neal wants to raise the gross gaming tax on the state's three-dozen largest casinos to make them finally start paying a fair share for the damage they cause. --- The gambling-industrial complex facilitated tax increases on everyone except itself during the last legislative session. Adding insult to injury, the industry juiced through a pair of hemorrhagic tax breaks for its own benefit. --- Mayor Jones openly supports the gamblers to the detriment of Nevada families and schools. The Steve Wynn fine art tax break will personally benefit the Mirage Hotel mogul at the expense of Nevada school children. He will not only take the tax break at the children's expense, he also wants to charge them admission to see the art they've helped pay for --- truly double taxation. --- Sen. Neal worked to defeat the bill which would give wealthy casino owner Wynn a tax break on paintings, vases and sculpture in his new Bellagio megaclub. --- Wynn "said he believes Republican businessman Kenny Guinn and Democratic Las Vegas Mayor Jan Laverty Jones both would make fine governors," according to columnist Jeff German in the June 14 Las Vegas Sun. In a May 28 interview on Las Vegas 1, the new Sun/KLAS TV-8 cable news channel, Mr. Guinn dismissed closing the Wynn loophole as a "tax increase" and would not endorse Neal's idea. --- Mayor Jones not only supports the Wynn art tax loophole, but also testified in court on behalf of Mr. Wynn last year. She "also admitted accepting an occasional ride on the Mirage Resorts corporate jet." (Las Vegas Sun 8-6-97) --- Both Jones and Guinn have taken substantial campaign contributions from Mr. Wynn's interests. Sen. Neal faces Mayor Jones in the Sept. 1 Democratic gubernatorial primary. --- On June 18, the Las Vegas Revew Journal reported "Neal's Democratic primary opponent, Las Vegas Mayor Jan Jones, supports Wynn's effort to bring fine art to Nevada and said she would have signed the controversial bill if she had been governor in 1997." [ http://www.lvrj.com/lvrj_home/1998/Jun-18-Thu-1998/news/7702699.html ] --- Calculation of taxpayers' and school childrens' losses to the Steve Wynn art tax break may be found at [ http://www.neal98.org/nukes.html#cost ] --- "Jones said she would release her complete campaign platform in 'five or six weeks,' but did say education -- especially increased classroom funding -- would be the main plank. Jones said the money needed to increase classroom spending would not come from new taxes, but instead a redistribution of the current funding. --- "'I think what you will find is there is a tremendous amount of money going into administration in the school district that could be going into classrooms,' Jones said. She declined to discuss specific details until she releases her complete platform sometime in July." [From the 6/8/98 Las Vegas SUN] --- Mayor Jones should reconcile her concern for education with her support of a tax break for a casino billionaire at the expense of teachers and pencils. --- In the June 13 Las Vegas Sun, columnist Jeff German wrote "Wynn said he plans to stay neutral in the two biggest races of the campaign season. He said he believes Republican businessman Kenny Guinn and Democratic Las Vegas Mayor Jan Laverty Jones both would make fine governors. --- "And in the U.S. Senate campaign, Wynn said both the incumbent, Democrat Harry Reid, and the challenger, Rep. John Ensign, R-Nev., would serve Nevada well in Washington. Wynn said he plans to distribute his campaign donations evenly among those candidates in the two races. [http://www.lasvegassun.com/sunbin/stories/text/1998/jun/13/507336628.html] --- Unless Sen. Joe Neal wins the Democratic primary in September, Nevada voters will be forced to choose between two casino-approved candidates in November. Sen. Neal's record and longstanding positions further the interests of men, women, children and workers far better than any other candidate. --- Alas, EMILY's List has not endorsed the candidate with the strongest feminist credentials. --- Be well. Raise hell. ANDREW BARBANO, Campaign Manager
Date: Wednesday, June 17, 1998 at 08:59:59
JUNE 17 (WEDNESDAY) LAS VEGAS --- CORPORATE WELFARE ALERT. Sen. Joe Neal (D-N. Las Vegas) will attend and participate in this afternoon's Nevada Tax Commission public workshop on the casino artwork tax break. The current series of hearings is part of a rule-making process to implement the "Show Me the Monet" law passed during the 1997 legislative session. Sen. Neal worked to defeat the bill which would give Las Vegas Mirage casino mogul Steve Wynn a tax break on paintings and vases in his new Bellagio megaclub. CHEEKY PROPOSAL --- Some of the art involved portrays Mr. Wynn's face. Sen. Neal calculates that the corporate welfare will cost taxpayers more than $15 million this year alone, much of it from Nevada school children. A full discussion of the issue and calculation of the tax break may be found on the front page of http://www.neal98.org (see "Neal nukes Steve Wynn's art tax break"). TODAY'S HEARING will begin at 1:00 p.m. at the Las Vegas Public Library, 833 Las Vegas Blvd. North. PLEASE NOTE that it has been moved from a previously published location. The Nevada Tax Commission will meet in Carson City on June 25 to finalize the rules for the corporate giveaway. Separately, Sen. Neal will address a chapter of the National Council of Senior Citizens in Las Vegas this morning.
Date: Thursday, June 11, 1998 at 02:36:19
JUNE 11 (THURSDAY) --- Sen. Neal will speak before the Nevada Seniors Coalition meeting at 10:00 a.m. at the Showboat Hotel-Casino in Las Vegas. He travels to Reno later in the day to attend the Community Focus on Family Dinner at the Eldorado Hotel-Casino. The event is a benefit for the Northeast Family Focus Center which provides support to and interacts with the Reno YWCA, Glenn Duncan Elementary School and Traner Middle School. Keynote speaker will be Dr. Mary Nebgen, outgoing superintendent of the Washoe County School District. (Reno and Sparks are located in Washoe County.) The evening in Reno begins at 6:00 p.m.
Date: Monday, June 8, 1998 at 02:22:16
LAS VEGAS (June 8) - State Sen. Joe Neal (D-North Las Vegas), will use radio and television appearances this week to cast a critical light on the proposed merger between northern and southern Nevada utilities. "I was appalled to pick up Sunday's newspaper and read two full pages of corporate propaganda cloaked in the legitimacy of government and private sector approval," the Democratic gubernatorial candidate said. A centerfold "double truck" ran in Las Vegas and Reno newspapers. It was headlined "Join Us In Support Of The Nevada Power and Sierra Pacific Merger." The majority of the ad was comprised of letters with contents mostly obscured. The correspondence came from the entire Nevada congressional delegation; Republican gubernatorial candidate Kenny Guinn; Las Vegas mayor and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jan Laverty Jones; Reno Mayor Jeff Griffin; Republican Reno state senators Bill Raggio and Randolph Townsend; Assembly Speaker Joe Dini (D-Yerington); Assembly Majority Leader Richard Perkins (D-Las Vegas); Assistant Assembly Majority Leader Barbara Buckley (D-Las Vegas), and several business organizations. "The letter from the congressional delegation was the only one presented in its entirety and it contradicts the headline," Neal said. "The congressional delegation expresses no such support and even admits 'the overall benefits of the proposed merger between Nevada Power and Sierra Pacific Resources cannot be determined until a formal filing is made and the appropriate state and federal regulators review the proposed merger.' "Many are mere corners of pages showing logos, "Neal noted. "With no proposal yet before regulatory bodies, the intent and purpose of such a media campaign raises serious questions. Who is paying for this highly expensive program? Will the cost be borne by employees, ratepayers or stockholders? All of these groups are in serious jeopardy under any merger and I doubt that the funding came from the salaries of high executives," Neal asserted. "When this merger was proposed last month, they announced the elimination of 250 positions in addition to the 300 who left the companies last year," the 26-year lawmaker added. "Sierra Pacific gave early retirement to another 250 as part of its failed merger with Washington Water Power two years ago. That deal provided plentiful warning about the dangers of this one. WWP was reportedly worried about creation of a single pricing system which would have made its customers absorb a share of the higher costs Nevada ratepayers bear," Neal said. "Nevada Power customers have historically paid far less per kilowatt hour than those of Sierra Pacific. That gap is currently about 25 percent. Nevada's non-profit rural co-ops charge on the average about 30 percent less than Nevada Power or Sierra Pacific. Those users likewise fear their bills rising under a new regulatory scheme. "Sierra Pacific entered into a long term contract to buy coal for its Valmy generating plant near Winnemucca at $32 per ton. Coal has recently been selling for about a third of that. Who will pay the continuing cost of that poor planning?" Sen. Neal will take phone calls Monday morning on KRLV 1340-am. He will be a guest on longtime Libertarian Party activist James Dan's program from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. The listener call-in number is (702) 310-8255. On Tuesday, Sen. Neal will join Las Vegas Review-Journal columnist Barbara Robinson from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. on KVBC 105.1-fm. The listener call-in number is (702) 642-1051. At 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Sen. Neal with appear live on TV-1, the new cable television joint venture between the Las Vegas Sun and KLAS TV-8.
Date: Tuesday, June 2, 1998 at 16:15:20
KENNY GUINN'S NOT IN: No K at OK Corral --- GOP gubernatorial candidate backs out of face-to-face vs. Neal --- RENO (JUNE 3)--- Republican gubernatorial frontrunner Kenny Guinn has backed out of a face-to-face meeting with State Sen. Joe Neal (D-North Las Vegas). Their first confrontation had been scheduled for a Washoe County Bar Association luncheon at Harrah's-Reno this Wednesday, June 3. "We were informed by the Washoe County Bar that Mr. Guinn confirmed at the same time we did in late March. I was looking forward to exchanging views on the issues," Neal said Tuesday in Reno. Neal will keep his appointment to address the lawyer gathering. Guinn made apppearances in Reno Tuesday and will reportedly fly to Mesquite instead of attending the Wednesday luncheon. He will then return to Reno for a fund raising event Wednesday evening. The cancellation came the day after Guinn termed as a "tax increase" Neal's proposal to close the tax loophole for expensive works of art muscled through last year's legislature by Las Vegas Mirage mogul Steve Wynn. Mr. Guinn made his remarks on Las Vegas television last Thursday and cancelled the Bar Association event last Friday. ( For the full story on the tax loophole giveaway, go to http://www.neal98.org/nukes.html )
Date: Tuesday, June 2, 1998 at 15:53:24
TUESDAY (June 2) Reno -- Sen. Neal will attend the Washoe County Democratic Central Committee meeting at 7:30 p.m. tonight in Reno at Vaughn Middle School, 1200 Bresson Avenue near Plumb and Kietzke lanes.
Date: Friday, May 29, 1998 at 23:45:17
SATURDAY (May 30) CARSON CITY --- Sen. Neal will attend the Fifth Annual Reflection Awards Banquet of Carson Area Chapter 388 of the Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. The event begins at 6:00 p.m. in the banquet room of the Carson City Nugget. Tickets are $22.50 and may be obtained by calling Lewis Rosenberg at (702) 883-4317.
Date: Friday, May 29, 1998
RENO --- Sen. Neal will attend tonight's Democratic Party of Washoe County Honor Roll Dinner, a fete for outstanding, longtime party activists. No host reception begins at 6:00 p.m., dinner at 7:30 in the Silver Legacy Hotel's mezzanine level Silver Baron Ballroom. For tickets, call (702) 323-VOTE (323-8683).
Date: Tuesday, May 26, 1998
Sen. Neal testified before the Nevada Tax Commission. The body is making rules to govern the Steve Wynn/Joe Dini casino art tax giveaway. For details, go to "Neal Nukes Steve Wynn Tax Loophole."
Date: Monday, May 18, 1998
JAN JONES JUMPS VS. JOE --- Las Vegas --- Las Vegas Mayor Jan Laverty Jones filed for governor on May 18, 1998, the last day to do so.
DEJA VU DEPT. --- It represents her second attempt at statewide office, having garnered 28% in the 1994 gubernatorial primary. She joins State Sen. Joe Neal (D-North Las Vegas) and seven others in the Sept. 1 Democratic primary field. Lt Gov. Lonnie Hammargren has filed for the Republican gubernatorial nomination, positioning himself in the political middle between Kenny Guinn and Aaron Russo. He stands to take moderate Republicans from Guinn, tightening the GOP race.
DEJA VU ALL OVER AGAIN DEPT. --- "Jan Laverty Jones isn't a politician making a career move. She has no aspirations for any other public office. After serving as Mayor (sic), she will return to her business and community work." --- from "Introducing the Jan Laverty Jones behind the T.V.", introductory brochure from her first campaign for Las Vegas mayor in 1991.
Date: Thursday, May 14, 1998
DONKEYS DO DEMO THING IN VEGAS - Now playing --- this weekend only, the greatest show in Las Vegas! See raw nerve, pure chutzpah, baldfaced lies, naked posturing, low blows, gory gutfighting, brutal backslapping, brotherly bloodletting and burgeoning egos. On right now at the Nevada Democratic State Convention at Bally's Hotel-Casino and donkey kong campground.
Tune in and turn on for death-defyin' speechifyin' this Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Watch this website for all the news you never knew you needed to know till now.
Be there or be square. (The squares attended those earlier conventions, the ones where people wore brown shirts under seersucker suits.)
Date: Wednesday, May 6, 1998
MAY 7 (THURSDAY) RENO / CARSON CITY -- Sen. Neal addresses the Building and Construction Trades Council of Northern Nevada/AFL-CIO at 9:30 a.m. at Heidi's Restaurant at Park Lane Mall. CARSON CITY -- Sen. Neal formally files for office at 11:15 a.m. at the office of the secretary of state in the capitol building. He will drop by during Sen. Ernie Adler's (D-Carson City) open house which is scheduled for 4:30-7:00 p.m. at 208 N. Carson Street across from city hall. At 7:00 p.m., he will address the Carson City Democratic Central Committee at the State of Nevada Employees Association building, 709 E. Robinson, a few blocks east of the Carson Nugget.
Date: Thursday, April 30, 1998
UPCOMING EVENTS --- MAY 1 (Friday) LAS VEGAS --- Sen. Neal kicks off a general meeting of the Nevada PTA at 2:50 p.m. at the Orleans Hotel-Casino, 4500 W. Tropicana Ave., Las Vegas.--- MAY 2 (Saturday) CARSON CITY --- Sen. Neal delivers the principal address and participates in the installation of officers of the State of Nevada Employees Association. Carson Nugget, 6:00 p.m.
EXTRA! SEN. NEAL BARRED FROM RENO RADIO STATION --- Hate radio is alive and well in northern Nevada. Push polls, shock jocks and muzzling the opposition --- Read all about it at http://www.nevadaweb.com/dave/barb4-26-98.html --- If you've been pushed by a phony pollster, we want to hear from you.
Date: Saturday, April 25, 1998
SUNDAY (April 26) --- RENO, 7:00 p.m. --- Sen. Neal will attend Judge Mills Lane's retirement dinner at the Reno Hilton. The popular jurist, former Washoe DA and world class boxing referee has resigned as of May 1. He will host a new nationally-syndicated TV show entitled ---what else --- Judge Mills Lane.
THE EXOTIC POLITICAL ANIMALS OF NEVADA --- This has been an incredibly busy and productive weekend, and it's only Saturday. Follow the bouncing ball, we're in for a helluva ride.
NATIONAL PRESS! --- SEN. NEAL is the subject of a feature article in the 4-27-98 edition of JET MAGAZINE, which has a weekly circulation of about 1,000,000. By the industry rule of thumb, that means between 2,000,000 and 3,000,000 readers and probably many more for this well-established periodical from the publishers of EBONY. Pick up a copy at a news stand near you, but move fast. The May 4 edition comes out at midweek.
MAJOR NEVADA PRESS --- The Neal98 website is the subject of a feature in today's RENO GAZETTE JOURNAL (page 3C), the third major publication to do a story on our URL. No other campaign has scored even one.
THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY --- (1) Read KEN WARD'S hard-hitting review of the Bob Miller governorship in the current Reno News & Review. Most succinct comment about the lame duck guv comes from veteran Las Vegas Sun capital reporter CY RYAN : "Good riddance. Let's get some f***ing action around here." Anybody who's ever been on the receiving end of one of Cy's hardass reports knows he's being rather gentle. --- (2) Historian Michael Green's sidebar in the same News & Review distorts Sen. Neal's nuclear waste position. A response will be submitted to new RNR editor Larry Henry, fresh from his very productive stint as Cy's political beat running mate at the Sun. --- (3) If you can, get longtime Nevada political reporter DENNIS MYERS' column in the Friday 4-24 DAILY SPARKS TRIBUNE, still on Nor. Nevada newstands. It's of great import to the gubernatorial race. Summary on the Neal98 site soon. (4) Thanks to Nevada GOP honcho Charles Muth for picking up and distributing the story we put out last Sunday about Washoe Democrats grumbling over Gov. Miller's and Sen. Richard Bryan's nuclear attack on Sen. Neal. That's the first time in 30 years I've seen one party distribute the competition's stuff. Another wonder of cyberspace. When you've got the Republican Party helping you circulate your stuff, you know something's happening here, what it is ain't exactly clear.
BTW: The website for the GOP's gubernatorial Pillsburied in Dough Boy forbids anyone to use any of his material. First time I've ever seen a politician who didn't want his stuff distributed. Meanwhile, his party puts out Neal news. Face it. We're much more interesting.
TRAIL MIX --- Sen. Neal had an active Saturday speaking to hundreds of people in Nye County while his northern campaign covered the Churchill County and Carson City Democratic conventions.
Watch this website for a humorous writeup of campaign manager Andrew Barbano's Carson presentation, Exotic Birds and Other Political Animals of Nevada. It details the first confirmed sighting of the endangered Nevada Mooning Jackolurkey. More soon. Be well. Raise hell. --- A.B.
Date: Thursday, April
23, 1998
THURSDAY-- LAS VEGAS --- Sen. Neal speaks at a gathering of members of the National Council of Seniors Citizens at 10:00 a.m. in the Leid Auditorium at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas.
Date: Wednesday, April
22, 1998
April 22 (Wednesday) LAS VEGAS -- Sen. Neal will attend Democratic state controller candidate Mary Sanada's fund raiser at the Desert Pines Golf Club, 3415 E. Bonanza Road. The event begins at 5:30 p.m. and is scheduled to last until 8:00 p.m. For more information, call (702) 878-1859 in Las Vegas.
Date: Sunday, April 19, 1998
DEMOCRATS GRUMBLE OVER MILLER-BRYAN MOVE AGAINST NEAL RENO (April 19) --- Washoe County Democrats this weekend threw cold water on the recent attempt by Nevada Gov. Bob Miller (D) and U.S. Sen. Richard Bryan (D-Nev.) to derail State Sen. Joe Neal's (D-North Las Vegas) gubernatorial campaign. (See "The Empire Strikes Back" at http://www.Neal98.org ) Saturday night, Reno's KOLO TV-8 reported that "party activists were not happy with the two leaders" for announcing last week that they would not endorse Neal for governor. Veteran KOLO political journalist Dennis Myers noted that "today, Assemblymember Vivian Freeman was the talk of the Washoe Democratic convention because, in a barnburner of a speech last night, she criticized the two Democratic leaders," Myers reported. "I'm very disappointed with the leadership of the Democratic Party that they haven't been there to support our candidate for governor," Freeman (D-Reno) said. Democrats at the convention told Myers that "(as) governors, Bryan and Miller have had no stronger supporter on nearly every issue at the state legislature than Joe Neal and that loyalty, they say, should now be returned," Myers concluded. Bryan further told KRNV TV-4 News on Saturday of his hope that another Democrat would file against Neal. In fact, three other Democrats are already in the race. Two preceded Neal. "It's not over till it's over. We've still got another month to see what might happen," Bryan stated on KRNV's 5:00 p.m. Saturday newscast. The incident with Neal does not represent the first time Bryan has publicly recruited opponents to announced Democrats. Neal has called the almost-unprecedented Miller-Bryan strategy an attempt to derail his candidacy because of Neal's support for an increase in taxes on the state's largest casinos. (See "Casino Tax Proposal" at http://www.neal98.org ) Neal last week told the Las Vegas Review-Journal that Miller is "truly the palace guard for the gambling industry...they feel free to set up a slush fund to allow him to travel all over the country." (See the April 16 Las Vegas Review-Journal at http://www.lvrj.com/lvrj_home/1998/Apr-16-Thu-1998/news/7323649.html ) Recent polls (see the Neal98 homepage) have shown the underdog Neal within striking distance of GOP frontrunner Kenny Guinn, who has amassed a war chest of almost $3 million, much of it from gambling interests, over the past 2-1/2 years. Neal declared his candidacy in January. For full background on the controversy see "The Empire Strikes Back" at the Neal98 homepage. For news from the Clark County Democratic Convention, see "Neal tries to forge support" in the April 19 Las Vegas Review-Journal, http://www.lvrj.com/lvrj_home/1998/Apr-19-Sun-1998/news/7340952.html .
Date: Thursday,
April 16, 1998
STATEWIDE WEEKEND CAMPAIGN SCHEDULE -- Sen. Joe Neal (D-North Las Vegas) campaigns statewide this weekend and takes care of some official business as well.
FRIDAY (April 17) Carson City --- Legislative Commission, Nevada State Legislature, Room 4100, 10:00 a.m.
FRIDAY (April 17) Reno --- Call-in talk radio program with Pat Thomas on KRNV News 4-fm 101.7, 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. On the air call-in number, (702) 785-1234.
SATURDAY (April 18) 9:00 a.m., Reno --- Sen. Neal opens the morning at the Washoe County Democratic Convention at the Holiday Inn Hotel, Sixth Street off Wells Avenue near Interstate 80.
SATURDAY (April 18) Las Vegas --- Sen. Neal addresses the afternoon session of the Clark County Democratic Convention at the Frontier Hotel-Casino on Las Vegas Blvd. South. SUNDAY (April 19) Amargosa --- Sen. Neal addresses the Nye County Democratic Convention at the Longstreet Hotel in Amargosa at 2:00 p.m.
Date: Monday, April
13, 1998
THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK --- TO: ALL NEVADA MEDIA, ESPECIALLY ASSOCIATED PRESS AFFILIATES FROM: ANDREW BARBANO Sen. Neal's positions on nuclear waste were misreported in the Sunday, 4-12-98, Las Vegas Review-Journal http://www.lvrj.com/lvrj_home/1998/Apr-12-Sun-1998/news/7295237.html. The Associated Press rewrite unfortunately distilled errors of omission into a more concentrated Easter cocktail. Should you utilize information from the RJ or the AP pickup, we would appreciate your review of the original release before finalizing your version. Please call with any questions.
Date: Tuesday, April 7, 1998
4-8-98 (WEDNESDAY) -- ON THE AIR AGAIN -- Sen. Neal returns to Nevada airwaves on KXNT AM840 when he joins morning host Jay Casey from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. They will take phone calls at (702) 733-KXNT (aka 733-5968). The station has a very wide broadcast pattern and should be receivable in many parts of Nevada. "The signal reaches from Idaho to Arizona to Los Angeles," Casey noted in an e-mail last week. Tune in, turn on and tell and friend. Stay tuned to this website for more news and surprises as the week progresses.
Date: Sunday, April 5, 1998
4-5-98 (Sunday) TONOPAH -- Fundraiser at the home of Bruce and Yoko Allen (702) 482-3505 (BruceAln@Sierra.net; BruceAlln@aol.com) 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at 2104 Penstemon Court. Snacks and refreshments will be served. At Sen. Neal's request, there will be no set admission price. People who attend may contribute what they can afford.
4-6-98 (Monday) LAS VEGAS -- Sen. Neal will address the Charleston Neighborhood Preservation organization at 7:00 p.m. at the West Charleston Library on W. Charleston Blvd. between Jones and Torrey Pines next to the Community College of Southern Nevada. For information, call Juanita Clark, 137 S. Lorenzi, Las Vegas NV 89107; phone/fax (702) 877-2438.
Date: Thursday, March 26, 1998
NEAL ON NPR THIS MORNING -- Sen. Neal's interview with National Public Radio political reporter Elizabeth Arnold has been re-scheduled to run on "Morning Edition" today (Thursday, March 26) on NPR affiliates nationwide. Northwestern Nevada listeners should be aware that KUNR-fm (88.7 and 91.7 fm) often pre-empts NPR newsfeeds. You thus might also want to monitor Sacramento's NPR affiliate, which gets into Nevada at 90.5-fm. In Las Vegas, listen to KNPR-fm 89.5.
THE LIGHT SIDE: READ ABOUT THIS WEBSITE IN THE SUNDAY LAS VEGAS SUN at http://www.lasvegassun.com/sunbin/stories/text/1998/mar/22/506985918.html. We guarantee a good laugh at some of the errors made at the site of the much-more-monied Nevada GOP gubernatorial frontrunner. National reporters informed us Wednesday that Dr. Guinn's grammatical gaffes made national news bulletins. If any publicity is good publicity, his website has apparently done him a lot of good this week.
THE DARK SIDE: Alas and alack, politics is not always pleasant. Read John L. Smith's column in the Wednesday 3-25-98 Las Vegas Review-Journal http://www.lvrj.com/lvrj_home/1998/Mar-25-Wed-1998/news/7190339.html. The clouds raised by the apparent defection of a handful of our friends did bring two silver linings: First, the controversy will help make Sen. Neal a national figure and thus facilitate expanded fundraising. Further, Neal supporters will be galvanized to action.
Finally, Sen. Neal's appearance on Reno talk radio this Friday, 3-27-98, has been rescheduled into April. Watch this niche of cyberspace for details. See you on the radio.
Date: Monday, March 23, 1998
NEAL ON NPR MONDAY -- Sen. Neal's interview with longtime National Public Radio political reporter Elizabeth Arnold is scheduled today (Monday, March 23) on NPR affiliates nationwide. It may air on either "Morning Edition" or "All Things Considered" in the afternoon. Northwestern Nevada listeners should be aware that KUNR-fm (88.7 and 91.7 fm) often pre-empts NPR newsfeeds. You thus might also want to monitor Sacramento's NPR affiliate, which gets into Nevada at 90.5-fm.
READ ABOUT THIS WEBSITE IN THE SUNDAY LAS VEGAS SUN at http://www.lasvegassun.com/sunbin/stories/text/1998/mar/22/506985918.html. It's the Sun's feature article in the Sun/Review-Journal combined Sunday edition. That represents huge statewide circulation. As the Carson City Nevada Appeal did in January, the Sun printed a shot of the frontpage of the Neal98 site. The article by Martin Kuz is a kick. We guarantee a good laugh at some of the errors made at the website of a much more monied Nevada gubernatorial campaign.
APOLOGETICS DEPT. -- If you tried to dial up www.Neal98.org in the wee hours of Monday morning and could not bring it up, we apologize. We were down for maintenance for an hour or so. Sorry for any inconvenience. Continue to monitor this site for what is shaping up as a very interesting week of campaign developments. Be well. Raise hell.
Date: Monday, March 23, 1998
JEFFERSON-JACKSON IN FALLON LAST FRIDAY -- Sen. Neal thanks everyone who attended his keynote address before the Churchill County Democratic Central Committee's annual Jefferson-Jackson Dinner. The event was well-attended by both Democrats and Republicans. It was nice to see old friends of varying political stripes. Demo Chairman Richard Eyde had the Fallon Community Center well-decorated. The eight-foot tall papier maché donkey was both impressive and didn't eat much. Sen. Mike McGinness (R-Fallon) attended and recorded an interview with Sen. Neal for airing on KVLV Radio. Political one-liner of the night from Assemblywoman Marcia deBraga (D-Fallon): "The Republican slogan is 'take back the state in '98.' I don't want to take the state back, I want to take it forward." Touché.
Date: Friday, March 20, 1998
SEN. NEAL IN FALLON FRIDAY, ON NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO MONDAY -- (NOTE TO RENO MEDIA: Sen. Neal arrives via Southwest Airlines from Las Vegas at the Reno airport at 1:00 p.m. Friday. Please be at the gate for interviews.)
FALLON, Nev. (Friday) -- Sen. Joe Neal (D-North Las Vegas) will deliver the keynote address at tonight's Churchill County Democratic Central Committee annual Jefferson-Jackson dinner. Location: Fallon Convention Center, 100 Campus Way. Times: Cocktails at 6:00 p.m., dinner at 7:00 p.m. For additional information, contact Assemblywoman Marcia deBraga [marcia@phonewave.net] (D-Fallon), phone (702) 423-4674; Churchill Democratic Chairman Richard Eyde [rpeyde@phonewave.net], phone (702) 867-4699. Fallon lies about 70 miles southeast of Reno. Its major industries are farming and ranching plus Naval Air Station Fallon, new home of the Top Gun fighter school.
3-21-98 (Saturday) LAS VEGAS -- Sen. Neal speaks at a luncheon hosted by the African-American Caucus of the Service Employees International Union (1:00 p.m. at Bally's Hotel, South Tower, Pacific Ballroom). Saturday evening, he will attend the National Jewish Medical and Research Center fundraising dinner at the Mirage Resort. The guest of honor will be Culinary Union official John Wilhelm, a member of the national commission reviewing the expansion of the gaming industry.
3-23-98 (Monday) -- NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO -- Sen. Neal's interview with veteran NPR political reporter is scheduled to air either on "Morning Edition" or "All Things Considered," the network's afternoon news program. Please pass the word.
3-27-98 (Friday) RENO -- Radio talk show with Pat Thomas, NEWS-4 KRNV-fm 101.7, 1:00-3:00 p.m.
3-27-98 (Friday) RENO -- Latinos for Political Education Awards Banquet, Silver Legacy Hotel-Casino, Silver Baron Ballroom; cocktails 6:00 p.m., dinner 7:00 p.m.
3-29-98 (Sunday) LAS VEGAS -- Ebony Fashion Show, Bally's, 7:00 p.m.
3-31-98 (Tuesday) -- LAS VEGAS -- Legislative Commission Utility Oversight Committee, Grant Sawyer State Office Bldg., Room 4412, 555 E. Washington Ave., Las Vegas; 8:00 a.m.
4-5-98 (Sunday, 2:00-4:00 p.m.) TONOPAH -- Fundraiser at the home of Bruce and Yoko Allen, 2104 Penstemon Court; phone (702) 482-3505; fax 482-3510 (e-mail BruceAln@Sierra.net; BruceAlln@aol.com). Snacks and refreshments will be served. At Sen. Neal's request, there will be no set admission price. People who attend may contribute what they can afford. Mr. and Mrs. Allen request that you call if you plan to attend so that they may better plan the event. Those who cannot attend and wish to send contributions may make checks payable to Neal for Governor, P.O. Box 1649, Tonopah NV 89049-1649.
Date: Thursday, March 19, 1998
PRIMARY COLORS: John Stralla of Sparks, Nev., the longest serving member of the Nevada AFL-CIO executive board, recently sent a letter to Nevada workers. Disclosure documents dated 12-31-97 show Mr. Guinn accepted $30,000 from the anti-union Frontier Hotel at the height of the nation's longest running strike. He also took $1,000 from HCA/Columbia Sunrise Hospital, another virulently anti-union employer still at war with the Service Employees International Union. More soon at http://www.nevadalabor.com.
Date: Wednesday, March 18, 1998
SCHEDULE UPDATE -- Wednesday, March 18 -- At 11:15 a.m., Sen. Neal will speak before national AFL-CIO and affiliated union political directors at Bally's Hotel in the Platinum Room (*NOT* the Gold Room---it's been changed.) Sen. Neal is due to schmooze with the President at 12:30 p.m. or thereabouts (Pres. Clinton has been known to run a tad tardy) at the Carpenters Apprenticeship Training Center, 2150 E. Bonanza. Thursday afternoon, he will introduce his Phi Beta Sigma fraternity brother, Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), at a 1:00 p.m. voter registration rally at Community College of Southern Nevada, 3200 E. Cheyenne Blvd. Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) will also participate. Thursday evening at 6:30, Sen. Neal will share the stage with Vice-President Al Gore as they speak at a Democratic Party event on Bally's 26th floor. Sen. Neal heads north Friday to deliver the keynote address at the Churchill County Jefferson-Jackson Dinner in Fallon (listen to KVLV Radio for news and interviews). On Saturday, he speaks at a luncheon hosted by the African-American Caucus of the Service Employees International Union (1:00 p.m. at Bally's, South Tower, Pacific Ballroom). Saturday night, he will attend the National Jewish Medical and Research Center fundraising dinner at the Mirage Resort. The guest of honor will be Culinary Union official John Wilhelm, a member of the national commission reviewing the expansion of the gaming industry. Watch this space for updates. Happy St. Aspirin's Day.
Date: Monday, March 16, 1998
HEAVY SCHMOOZE ALERT --- Sen. Neal will be making appearances all over Las Vegas in what is shaping up as a very busy week. He heads north Friday and returns Saturday. Tonight (Monday) he will attend the AFL-CIO 50 State Federation dinner at the once-again unionized Frontier Hotel. Tomorrow, he will participate in the Las Vegas St. Patrick's Day Parade which begins downtown at 10:00 a.m. Wednesday at 11:15 a.m., he will speak before national AFL-CIO and affiliated union political directors at Bally's Hotel in the Platinum Room (*NOT* the Gold Room---it was just changed. We will post an update of all AFL-CIO events here later today. There have been a lot of modifications given all the heavyweights in town). Sen. Neal is due to schmooze with the President at 12:30 p.m. or thereabouts (Pres. Clinton is...er...sometimes late) on Wednesday at the Carpenters Apprenticeship Training Center, 2150 E. Bonanza. Thursday evening at 6:30, he will share the stage with Vice-President Al Gore as they speak at a Democratic Party event on Bally's 26th floor. Sen. Neal heads north Friday to deliver the keynote address at the Churchill County Jefferson-Jackson Dinner in Fallon (listen to KVLV Radio for news and interviews). On Saturday, he speaks at a luncheon hosted by the African-American Caucus of the Service Employees International Union (1:00 p.m. at Bally's, South Tower, Pacific Ballroom). Saturday night, he will attend the National Jewish Medical and Research Center fundraising dinner at the Mirage Resort. The guest of honor will be Culinary Union official John Wilhelm, a member of the national commission reviewing the expansion of the gaming industry. Watch this space for updates.
Date: Sunday, March 15, 1998
ATTENTION NEAL NETWORKERS --- The following instructions were distributed at Saturday's Washoe County Democratic precinct caucuses. They represent the basic and simple strategy for using the web to win this year. Please copy them, print them and distribute them: Sen. Joe Neal is running a guerrilla campaign for governor. According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal poll, he now stands within 11 points of the gambling-industrial complex's $3 Million Man, Kenny Guinn. In Las Vegas, where 2/3 of the votes are, the race is dead even. 1. Volunteer to contact community organizations and make presentations on Sen. Neal's behalf. (Use the form elsewhere on this site.) Use information from the site in your work. 2. If you don't have a personal computer, identify someone in your neighborhood who has access. Communication via e-mail and the Neal98 website is critical to the success of this campaign. Organize your neighborhood and keep in touch with the campaign via e-mail and the Internet. Collect and forward e-mail addresses as you gather them. This will allow us to bypass many of the heavy costs associated with traditional campaigns and make us competitive with the casino-funded GOP onslaught.
Date: Friday, March 13, 1998
LAS VEGAS -- Sen. Neal expresses his thanks to everyone who called him on the air during Frank LaSpina's radio program on K-NEWS Radio Thursday evening. The Democratic gubernatorial frontrunner has a busy and exciting week ahead as every major labor leader in the U.S. comes to Las Vegas for strategy meetings. It's the first time the AFL-CIO has ever held its annual summit in Nevada. President Clinton, Vice-President Gore, House of Representatives Minority Leader Richard Gephardt (D-Mo.), Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) and Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) will all be in town. Sen. Neal will participate in some of the events. Watch this space for where and when and keep those e-mail addresses coming in! Fill out the volunteer registration form elsewhere on this site to join the guerrilla campaign of '98.
Date: Thursday, March 12, 1998
3-12-98 (Thursday) LAS VEGAS -- SEN. NEAL ON K-NEWS RADIO -- Sen. Joe Neal talks politics and takes phone calls on KNEWS-am 970 this Thursday, March 12, at 6:00 p.m. The Democratic gubernatorial frontrunner will join longtime KNEWS host Frank LaSpina. Listeners with questions for the 26-year lawmaker can phone the station's call-in line at (702) 894-4161. Cellular phone customers of 360 Communications may call toll-free by pressing their star keys followed by -8255 ("*-TALK"). A recent Las Vegas Review-Journal poll showed Sen. Neal within 11 points (35-24, with 41 percent undecided) statewide of GOP frontrunner Kenny Guinn. Neal announced his candidacy in January. Guinn has been campaigning full time for two years and has amassed a $2.8 million war chest. In Clark County's first congressional district, the race is a statistical dead heat with Guinn at 29 percent, Neal at 28. Talk about it on KNEWS tonight!
Date: Thursday, February
26, 1998
3-6-98 (Friday) NORTH LAS VEGAS -- Committee to Elect Joe Neal Campaign Fundraiser, 6:00-8:00 p.m.; North Las Vegas Host Lions Club building, 2934 Vandermeer Street at Las Vegas Blvd. N. Refreshments and hors d'oeuvres. Tickets: $50 per person. For more information, contact Linda Howard, event chairperson (702) 459-0107 or 638-6390 (e-mail CHARLMARL@aol.com).
Date: Thursday, February 26, 1998
3-3-98 (Tuesday) LAS VEGAS -- National Council of Senior Citizens meeting at the West Side Library, 952 W. Lake Mead Blvd., 10:00 a.m. (tentative).
Date: Thursday, February 26, 1998
3-2-98 (Monday) LAS VEGAS -- LIVE TELEVISION 7:00-8:00 p.m. Over-the-air UHF Channel KTV-63; Prime Cable Channel 42. Topic: Gaming tax increase. Sen. Neal will be one of two guests on "Nevada Issues" hosted by Mary Beth Farrell and Bob Jeswald. Tax breaks won by the gambling industry during the 1997 legislative session will probably be discussed, as the other guest will be Alan Feldman, Mirage Hotel-Casino vice-president of public affairs. Mirage CEO Steve Wynn stands to be principal beneficiary of one industry tax break passed last year. Mr. Wynn recently sold millions of dollars in company stock. The cash reportedly may go toward his personal purchase of expensive works of art for display at his new Bellagio Resort, qualifying him for the tax break. Sen. Neal opposed the loophole because it takes money from school children. He favors an increase in the gross gaming tax for large gambling properties. Linked with that, he favors a major tax cut for all businesses by wiping out the per-employee head tax, a major roadblock to job creation. Viewers may ask questions by calling (702) 765-6000. For more information, call Lynn Kohler (702) 252-0070 (e-mail ksr@anv.net)
Date: Wednesday, February 25, 1998
2-27-98 (Friday) SPARKS -- 10:45 a.m.--Sen. Neal will address students at Sparks High School, 820 15th Street off Prater Way; in the school's theater. Sen. Neal teaches constitutional democracy at Community College of Southern Nevada and always enjoys speaking to students. He gives priority to classroom lecture requests. Call (702) 786-1455 to set a date.
Date: Wednesday, February 25, 1998
2-27-98 (Friday) RENO -- 12 Noon -- Sen. Neal will attend the annual Assembly of Advisory Boards luncheon of the Nevada Dept. of Museums, Library and Arts; Sands Regency Hotel-Casino, 4th St. at Arlington Ave. Info: Joan Kerschner (702) 687-8315.
Date: Wednesday, February 25, 1998
2-27-98 (Friday) RENO -- 6:30 p.m. Sen. Neal will deliver the keynote address at the Reno-Sparks NAACP Freedom Fund Banquet and Nevada African-American History Awards. Location: Silver Legacy Hotel-Casino, 4th and S. Virginia, downtown Reno. No-host bar and history collection display at 6:30 p.m.; dinner and fashion show at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $35 per person. The event is sold out. For more information, call (702) 322-2992; fax 322-9909.
Tuesday, February 24, 1998
Following, you will find news from the 17 January 1998 Gardnerville, Nev., Record-Courier. It reports on GOP gubernatorial candidate Kenny Guinn's Jan. 14 speech before the Business Council of Douglas County. Mr. Guinn, who has never been a candidate before, has raised at least $2.5 million toward this race. His remarks are reminiscent of another well-heeled Republican, Nelson Rockefeller, who was once asked if he thought voter turnout might improve if U.S. elections were held on Sundays like other countries. "No," the multimillionaire said, "everybody's playing polo on Sunday." On a presidential campaign trip more than 30 years ago, the four-time New York governor ventured to the back of the plane to chum around with reporters. Showing empathy with the plight of the common man, Rockefeller said: "Now you take an average American family with an income of, say, $100,000 a year..." Kenny Guinn's Jan. 14 statement elevates him to the Rockefeller pantheon of regrettable remarks from the rich and famous: "Guinn addressed criticism he has faced over raising a lot of money in his campaign so far before the election," Gardnerville Record-Courier writer Andy Bourelle reported. "Whether you like it or not, you have to have funds to run a race," Guinn stated. The newspaper noted that "Guinn said he has been traveling throughout the state, talking to residents and learning what is important to them. If he was just starting to raise money, he wouldn't have time to do that. He gave an example of recently spending three hours talking with only three Nevada residents. "'If I only had $10,000 in the bank, I wouldn't have been listening,' Guinn said. 'I would have been trying to figure out how to rob them.'" "Why would I want to do things the same way politicians have been doing it forever," Guinn told the Business Council of Douglas County according to the article. ---- Don't know about forever, but apparently not much has changed since Nelson Rockefeller. If you're not too busy robbing banks, please feel free to forward this item to whomever may need a good laugh.
Date: Friday, February
13, 1998
2-18-98 NEAL ON KDWN-am 720 IN LAS VEGAS THIS WEDNESDAY AT 9:00A.M. State Sen. Joe Neal (D-North Las Vegas) talks politics and takes phone calls on KDWN-am 720 this Wednesday, Feb. 18, beginning at 9:00 a.m. The Democratic gubernatorial frontrunner will join longtime KDWN morning personality Cheryl Godfrey. Listeners with questions for the 26-year lawmaker can phone the station's call-in line at (702) 383-8255. Callers throughout the station's wide broadcast pattern may call toll-free in a variety of ways. Out of state listeners can dial (800) 338-8255. AT&T cellular phone customers may press their pound keys followed by 720. Customers of 360 Cellular may dial #800-5396. For more information, call Andrew Barbano at (702) 786-1455 or Sen. Neal at (702) 649-6395 (or 399-2114 to leave messages).
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