Updated 2-28-2025 GMT

SEN. DINA NEAL, D-North Las Vegas, remains in Reno's Renown Regional Medical Center where she was admitted last week to undergo emergency heart surgery.
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 2-26-2025


On the Northern Nevada Martin Luther King. Jr. Highway

All are welcome

Monday January 20, 2025
Caravan gathers at 10:30 a.m. PST
Departure 11:00 a.m

Rehoboth Holy Temple
700 Smithridge Drive [] Reno, Nevada 89502


Info: Don Gallimore / Reno-Sparks NAACP
(775) 303-1057



Reno February 6, 2025


Sen. Dina Neal plans 2025 bill to rein in rampant Wall Street speculation on single family homes
Barbwire by Andrew Barbano / Sparks Tribune 12-25-2024

Revenge of Trump's postmaster general:
Proposed northern Nevada/eastern California mail shunt to Sacramento slows down mail, endangers voting

Washoe voter registrar warns of destruction of voting by mail
By Mark Robison / Reno Gazette-Journal 2-25-2024

Black History Month Blacklash
Reno City Council endangers historic Nevada black church for developer

Bethel A.M.E. Pastor marshals support at City Hall on Feb. 28

Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford keynotes Aug. 26, 2023, NAACP dinner

The late great Sen. Neal, D-North Las Vegas, was born 7-28-1935 in Mounds, Louisiana

Selling sex in morally righteous Mississippi West
Sen. Dina Neal keeps up the heat on Elon Musk & Tesla
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 3-8-2023

INFO: Assemblymember Venicia Considine, D-Clark
Seating is limited, RSVP recommended Chris.Molnar@asm.state.nv.us
RSVP is not required to attend.
(775) 684-8801

It can't happen here. We're too smart, right?
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 3-1-2023

NLV council rules against putting rent cap proposal on ballot
Next step for Culinary Union Local 226 initiative: Court
Sen. Neal sorely missed on his home turf

Much more at Rentvolution.org
By Jessica Hill / Las Vegas Sun / 8-5-2022

HAT TRICK: Sen. Neal named to his third hall of fame
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 8-3-2022

Sexy ways to commit societal suicide
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 3-23-2022

How Renown stole our county hospital
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 3-16-2022

Oil Ain't All That's Rigged
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 3-9-2022


Pitchforks, torches, mensches, tar & feathers
Moonhowlers on Steroids
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno
Substantially updated from the Sparks Tribune 11-3-2021
Including a pleasant memory from Sen. Neal

Ripoffs, Riches, Riots, Rhymes and R-ratings
Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 10-27-2021

Barbwire'21 : Clinging to the Ledge and Excoriating Coronavirus Superspreaders

Nevada State Senate Judiciary Committee kills police use of force bill co-sponsored by Sen. Dina Neal, D-North Las Vegas

Sen. Joseph M. Neal, Jr.

Dear Friends and Gentle Hearts:

The best who ever was just embarked on a new journey. At 12:45 a.m. on 1-1-21, Sen. Dina Neal, D-North Las Vegas, informed me that her father, 32-year former State Sen. Joseph M. Neal, Jr., D-North Las Vegas, died at 10:25 p.m. PST 12-31-2020.

"Hello, Mr. Barbano. Happy New Year. I bring sad news to you. My Dad, after a long-fought battle, succumbed to an illness. He passed away at 10:25 tonight at Dignity Health, Sienna Campus, in Henderson, (where) he received the best care, surrounded by family."

My friend Joe had become ill over the past several weeks and apparently succumbed to multiple system failure after rebounding many times to the surprise of professionals and family surrounding him with thoughts and prayers.

Please monitor SenJoeNeal.org and NevadaLabor.com for details. You may send remembrances to me for posting.

Requiescas in pace, Senatore Maximissimo, frater mei.

Andrew Barbano
First Vice-President & Political Action Committee Chair
NAACP Reno-Sparks Branch No. 1112

LATEST NEAL NEWS: Gov. Sisolak honors Sen. Neal in State of the State Address broadcast statewide

Funeral/Wake video: For info about sending your video remembrance of Sen. Neal, call Ashton Ridley at (702) 799-9341 or e-mail <General@excelnow.org> Click here for tech specs and instructions.

Family Obituary / Service Times and Dates

Trumpist Treason on Joe Neal Day

Formal announcement and obituary

2021 news about Sen. Joseph M. Neal, Jr.

Statement from Gov. Steve Sisolak

Statement from Congressman Steven Horsford

Sen. Neal's oral historyNevada Legislative Counsel Bureau interview conducted on May 13, 2008.

Sen. Neal's 2002 Gubernatorial Campaign Biography

Sen. Neal's 2002 Gubernatorial Campaign Archive

Sen. Neal's 1998 Gubernatorial Campaign Biography

60 YEARS' WORTH OF EXPERIENCE SORELY MISSED IN 2011 (3-21-2011) 32-year former Sen. Joe Neal and 28-year former Assemblyman Bob Price, both D-N. Las Vegas, back in the great halls where they belong. Sen. Neal was in Carson City to witness the introduction of the first bill sponsored by his daughter, freshman Assemblywoman Dina Neal, D-N. Las Vegas. Bob and Nancy Price journeyed from their Sparks home to the capital for a noontime workers rally. (Photo courtesy of Nancy Price.)

2021 Neal News


CARSON CITY, NV (19 Jan. 2021) — In his State of the State Address, broadcast statewide, Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak praised the service and honored the memory of Sen. Neal.

A MUST-READ: Abraham Lincoln, at age 28, predicted the rise of 'mobocratic spirit' and leaders who abet it
Sen. Neal was honored with the Elijah Lovejoy Award, named for the abolitionist newspaper editor murdered by a mob in 1837 and mentioned in the above item
Bret Stephens / New York Times, Seattle Times et al. 1-18, 1-19-2021

Sen. Dina Neal remembers her father at MLK Day Tele-luncheon

Mon, 18 Jan 2021 03:39:45 +0000 (UTC)
From: Rich Dunn

Click here for the meeting link. <http://rebrand.ly/ul74s>The meeting ID and password are embedded in the link, but if it doesn't work for any reason, you can sign in manually at <https://zoom.us/join> or by dialing 669-900-6833 and hitting # after entering the ID and password, or to skip steps that don't apply.

Meeting ID: 825 1718 1030 // Meeting password: 846231

Room will open by 11:30 AM on Monday, Jan. 18. Meeting begins at noon.

By clicking the meeting link you will find yourself in the waiting room. From there you will be admitted as quickly as possible. Having been Zoom-bombed once already, we've learned that waiting rooms are an absolute necessity. They prevent Zoom bots from swarming in to disrupt an otherwise orderly meeting. This happens because somebody posts the link on social media, so please, never do that. Also, it's helpful if you join the meeting with your real name so we can tell the good guys from the bad guys.

Click here to view the Carson Now promo for this event.

Following Sen. Dina Neal's presentation, Sarah Adler will briefly take the floor to explain how to participate in Carson City's Day of Action honoring the memory of Martin Luther King. President-Elect Joe Biden has encouraged such grass roots efforts as an outreach to families in need during this difficult time.

After Joe Klein's presentation, Howard Beckerman will be invited to take the floor to discuss the Super Bowl themed fundraising effort he'll be rolling out as part of his duties as the Carson Dems' 2nd Vice-Chair.


"Senator Joe Neal was always generous to share his time and wisdom with many of us in Northern Nevada.  He was a pioneer in his personal and political life; a trailblazer in our state and showed a way for many young politicians to follow. From the cotton fields of Louisiana to the chambers of the Nevada Legislature, the accomplishments during the life and times of Senator Joe Neal will not be forgotten."

Lonnie L. Feemster
President, NAACP Reno Sparks Branch #1112
Vice President, NAACP Tri-State Conference Idaho/Nevada/Utah
Former Nevada State Director, NAACP National Voter Fund


JOE NEAL: You can't run from the truth
Barbwire by Andrew Barbano / Expanded from the 1-6-2021 Sparks Tribune

Joe Neal fought to make Nevada a better place
By John L. Smith / The Nevada Independent 1-1-2021

Joe Neal dies, first Black state senator in Nevada
By John Przybys and Glenn Puit / Las Vegas Review-Journal
January 1, 2021 - 10:05 am PST

Veteran journalist Dennis Myers remembers how Sen. Neal did the impossible in getting the Equal Rights Constitutional Amendment through the state senate in 1977
Reno News & Review 1-29-2009






January 6, 2021

Andrew Barbano (775) 747-0544

BLACK & WHITE CONTRASTS: Treason on Joe Neal Day

NORTH LAS VEGAS, NEV. — While mayhem, armed protestors and gunfire suffuse the nation's capitol building, the North Las Vegas City Council will declare Jan. 6 as Joe Neal Day.

The contrasts could not be more clear.

"My husband and his good friend Sen. Neal followed the rules to further progressive legislation," stated former Nevada System of Higher Education Regent Nancy Price who represented southern Nevada.

"They would have been appalled to see what's happening in DC at this moment," she added.

Her husband, Assemblymember Bob Price, D-North Las Vegas, represented the city in the lower house contemporaneously with Sen. Neal in the upper chamber. Neal, 85, died last Thursday, New Year's Eve.

"They were bookends who became soul brothers," Mrs. Price said.

Joe Neal became the Nevada State Senate's first African American member in 1972 and served 32 years, the longest tenure for any Clark County lawmaker and second in state senate history. As president pro-tem of the upper chamber, he twice served as acting governor of Nevada. In 2002, he became the Silver State's first African American major party nominee for governor.

Joe Neal stood for justice and the rule of law and lived a lifetime in that pursuit.

Meanwhile in Washington, DC, Trump anarchists are committing treason and one woman has already been shot.

"The City of North Las Vegas tribute is appropriate on many levels. Jan. 6 is known as 'little Christmas' or the Epiphany," stated former Neal campaign manager Andrew Barbano.

"The contrasts of this day should provide a 'quo vadis' epiphany — a moment of crystal clarity — to realize where we are and where we must go," Barbano added.

The NLV City Council will go into session at 4:00 p.m. PST today with the Neal tribute scheduled soon thereafter. His daughter, Sen. Dina Neal, D-NLV, will speak. Her father lived to see her win his former seat last November.

VIDEO OF THE PROCEEDINGS: http://www.cityofnorthlasvegas.com/sirepub/videos.html

The Joe Neal Day proclamation was heard after the Pledge of Allegiance.

Complete information about Sen. Neal's life and legacy may be obtained via SenJoeNeal.org/ Tributes for posting may be sent to Andrew Barbano <barbano@frontpage.reno.nv.us>

January 1, 2021

Sen. Dina Neal (702) 738-5870

Andrew Barbano (775) 747-0544

Longtime Nevada Senator Joe Neal dies at 85

HENDERSON, NEV. — Former State Senator Joseph M. Neal, Jr., D-North Las Vegas, died on New Year's Eve.

"My Dad, after a long-fought battle, succumbed to an illness," stated his daughter, Sen. Dina Neal, D-North Las Vegas.

"He passed away at 10:25 p.m. Dec. 31 at Dignity Health, Sienna Campus, in Henderson, where he received the best care, surrounded by family," she added.

Mr. Neal apparently succumbed to multiple system failure after rebounding many times to the surprise of professionals and family surrounding him with thoughts and prayers.

"He was the best who ever was," stated his former campaign manager Andrew Barbano of Reno.

"He was absolutely fearless and often went against the grain of 'the overlords' as he termed them," Barbano said. "His Neal Care proposal, which he unveiled in his 2002 campaign for governor, with a few tweaks, is now known as Obamacare," he added.

"Joe could be convinced by a reasonable presentation, but when it came to basic principles, he was unyielding. When he first ran for governor in 1998, veteran Las Vegas Review-Journal reporter Jane Ann Morrison published extensive research on his record. She commented on the remarkable consistency of his positions from his first election in 1972 forward," Barbano added. He became the Nevada State Senate's first African American member that year.

Joseph Martin Neal, Jr., was born in Mounds, Louisiana, on July 28, 1935. He ran for governor twice. He was defeated in the 1998 Democratic primary by Las Vegas Mayor Jan Jones. In 2002, he made history as the first African American major party nominee for the state's top post. Both he and Jones were defeated by the late Republican Gov. Kenny Guinn.

His major legislative accomplishments came with the 1981 high-rise fire sprinkler bill, the toughest in the nation, which he introduced after the disastrous MGM Grand conflagration of 1980. After years of effort, including a statewide initiative petition, he finally won a long-sought increase in the world's lowest gross gaming tax on Nevada's largest, most profitable casinos in 2003. The levy has not been raised since he left office in 2004.

His mastery of parliamentary procedure resulted in passage of the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution by a hostile and conservative senate in 1977.

Here are summaries from SenJoeNeal.org/

THE EQUAL RIGHTS AMENDMENT: In 1977, Sen. Neal accomplished what everyone viewed as impossible. The legislature's acknowledged master of parliamentary procedure, he engineered the passage of women's rights in an ultra-right Nevada State Senate. A political payoff later killed it in the assembly. It finally passed in 2017.

THE NATION'S TOUGHEST FIRE SPRINKLER LAW: After the 1980 Las Vegas MGM Grand high rise fire killed 87 people, Sen. Neal introduced a bill calling for retrofitting buildings and other safety measures. The gambling industry opposed it because of the cost. Only one other senator, Bill Hernstadt, D-Las Vegas, signed on — until an arsonist set fire to the Las Vegas Hilton, resulting in more death and damage. Sen. Neal's proposal remains the law today, a model studied and emulated worldwide.

Former Nevada State Fire Marshal Tom Huddleston wrote to Sen. Neal upon leaving state service in 1987: "In large part because of your courage, the State of Nevada enjoys the most comprehensive fire prevention laws in the world. We are a leader in the fire service and accordingly, many countries, states and cities have copied all or part of what we have done in Nevada. The steady downward trend in life and property loss from fire in Nevada reflects our accomplishments. The yearly life loss in our state has been more than cut in half during the last few years even though our population continues to grow. This is due to your efforts. Many people owe you their lives and health. The fire service in Nevada is in your debt. Thank you."

TOUGHER REGULATION OF EXPLOSIVES MANUFACTURING: After a massive explosion at the Pacific Engineering rocket fuel plant in Henderson killed two people in 1988, Sen. Neal sponsored legislation imposing strict controls on the industry. The law has not been enforced. The 1998 Sierra Chemical plant explosion east of Sparks revealed lax or non-existent oversight.

MONEY FOR LIBRARIES: Sen. Neal ramrodded legislation allowing small communities to sell bonds to build libraries and establishing the Southern Nevada Library District to do the same in the Las Vegas area.

Sen. Dina Neal served 10 years in the Nevada State Assembly before ascending to her father's seat in the upper house last year. Sen. Joe Neal served 32 years, the second-longest length of service in Nevada State Senate history, eclipsed only by the late Sen. Bill Raggio, R-Reno.

Mr. Neal's biography, "The Westside Slugger: Joe Neal's Lifelong Fight for Social Justice" by Nevada Press Association Hall-of-Famer John L. Smith was published by the University of Nevada Press in 2019.

"Getting to know Joe Neal was one of the great honors of my life," Smith said when informed of Sen. Neal's passing. "He possessed the courage of his convictions at a pivotal time in Nevada’s history. That courage helped open doors for a new generation of leaders in a more inclusive state. God bless his family.”

Joe Neal was the recipient of many honors in his career, including a Lifetime Commitment Award from the Nevada State AFL-CIO and induction to the Nevada State Senate Hall of Fame and César Chávez NevadaLabor.com Hall of Fame.

He came to Nevada in 1954. He lost his wife, Estelle Deconge Neal, to breast cancer in 1997 after 32 years of marriage. He is the father of five: Charisse, Tania, Withania, Dina and Joseph; grandfather of 10 and great-grandfather to two.

The Louisiana native graduated from Southern University in 1963 with a degree in political science and history. He did postgraduate work in law. He was also a graduate of the Institute of Applied Science in Chicago, Illinois, where he studied civil identification and criminal investigation.

After 25 years in personnel administration, he retired as assistant to the general legal counsel of Reynolds Electrical & Engineering Company, Inc. After retiring, he taught constitutional democracy at Community College of Southern Nevada. A Las Vegas elementary school bears his name, as does the southern Nevada Rawson-Neal Psychiatric Hospital.

In 1992, he received the prestigious Elijah Lovejoy Award from the Elks Grand Lodge. The honor is named for the pre-Civil War newspaper editor who opposed slavery. Because of his views, Lovejoy was murdered by a midnight mob and his printing press thrown into a nearby river. (Lovejoy's son, Edward, is buried in Dayton, Nev.)

Previous recipients of the Lovejoy Award include the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., United Nations Ambassador Ralph Bunche (like Dr. King, a Nobel Peace Prize winner), renowned soprano Marian Anderson and United States Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall.

Complete information about his life and career, including his Legislative Counsel Bureau oral history, may be accessed at his official website, SenJoeNeal.org/ Please monitor the site for more information as it becomes available.

Remembrances for posting may be sent to Andrew Barbano at <barbano@frontpage.reno.nv.us>

He did important work. Remember him fondly.


From: Michelle White <michellewhite@gov.nv.gov>
Sent: Friday, January 1, 2021 12:09 PM
To: Neal, Dina Senator <Dina.Neal@sen.state.nv.us>
Cc: DinaNealAssembly@yahoo.com <DinaNealAssembly@yahoo.com>
Subject: Governor Sisolak Statement on the Passing of Sen. Joe Neal


First off, we all send our deepest condolences to you and your family during this difficult time. I had the privilege to meet your Dad a few times over the years and learn about his legacy. There's no doubt the State is grieving alongside your family due to this massive loss.

I wanted to let you know that Governor Sisolak will be issuing the following statement (see below). Additionally, he will be signing an executive order lowering the flags to half-staff on the date of internment.

Again, we are so sorry for your loss and so grateful for your Dad's life of service. Please let us know if there is anything we can do.

Governor Sisolak issues statement on passing of longtime legislator Joe Neal 

CARSON CITY, NV – Today, Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak issued the following statement on the passing of Joe Neal, a former long-time Nevada State Senator.

 “I was deeply upset and saddened to hear of the death of Joe Neal, the second longest serving State Senator in Nevada history, a champion for the African-American community, a warrior for social justice and a tireless advocate for Nevada’s workers.

"True to his nature, Joe fought until the very end, battling illness for a long time. Joe was known as 'the Westside Slugger' and as 'the Conscience of the Legislature'  because of his dedication to civil rights, his tenacity and his impassioned speeches. 

"As the first African-American elected to the Senate in our state, Joe served for more than three decades and paved the way for many more fighters to enter the arena in the State of Nevada. 

"Senator Joe Neal will continue to be known as one of Nevada’s greatest legends, and his legacy will leave indelible mark on our state. There is no doubt Nevada is a better place because of his fearless service. 

Kathy and I send our love and condolences to the Neal family – including his daughter, State Senator Dina Neal – and friends and we’ll keep them in our thoughts and prayers over the difficult days ahead.”

On the date of Senator Neal’s internment, the governor will order flags in the state lowered to half-staff in his honor.

Michelle White, Chief of Staff
Office of Governor Steve Sisolak

Congressman Steven Horsford’s statement on the passing of State Senator Joe Neal

I am saddened to hear about the passing of State Senator Joe Neal, the first African American elected to the Nevada State Senate and the second longest serving Senator in Nevada history, elected in 1972.

Sonya and I join the entire Nevada family in expressing our heartfelt condolences to the Neal family and share in their loss for all that Senator Neal meant to his family, the historic West Las Vegas community and to the state of Nevada.

Once Senator Neal retired from the State Senate, I was honored to represent the 4th Senatorial District he capably represented for 30 years. That same district is now represented by his youngest daughter, Senator Dina Neal, who continues to carry on the legacy of public service started by her father and mother, who broke down barriers so that others could follow in their footsteps.

There are so many special moments that I recall of Senator Neal over the years. As an intern, I would watch in amazement as he delivered poignant speeches from the floor, hardly ever using prepared remarks. He was a master of parliamentary procedures and was responsible for helping to introduce the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), a measure that would finally be achieved through the legislative work of Senator Pat Spearman.

Upon his retirement, my colleagues and I presented him a bound book with his most notable speeches from his tenure in the State Senate.

Senator Joe Neal was more than a legislator. He was a statesman and a dedicated public servant. His achievements will be remembered by all those with whom he shared his knowledge, legislative prowess and experience. The legacy of a champion – The Westside Slugger.

40th Anniversary of Equal Rights Betrayal
Sen. Neal recalls his history-making 1977 fight for the Equal Rights Amendment
Parliamentary procedure master engineered passage in arch-conservative senate

Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 2-28-2017 Sparks Tribune
Updated 3-1, 3-3, 3-6 and 3-8-2017



     Now retired, Sen. Neal thanks all who supported him in his 32 years in the upper house. He will remain engaged (see below) with the great issues, as he has throughout his life. The continuing high volume of traffic to this website reinforces and rewards that commitment. Thank you.


Please volunteer to do what you and so many others did before November: Sign up to contact infrequent voters before January 5, 2021.

Suicide for citizens but not political careers
Lives are on the line
/ Expanded from the 12-30-2020 Sparks Tribune

Happy Birthday Senator Neal!
ON THIS DATE IN HISTORY: On July 28, 1935, Joseph M. Neal, Jr., was born in Mounds, Louisiana.

Sparks City Hall strikes a blow for white guys
Barbwire by Andrew Barbáno / Expanded from the Wednesday 7-22-2020 Sparks Tribune


A giant has fallen: John Lewis, 1940-2020

July 17, 2020 (NYTimes.com) — John Lewis, a lion of the civil rights movement whose bloody beating by Alabama state troopers in 1965 helped galvanize opposition to racial segregation, and who went on to a long and celebrated career in Congress, has died. He was 80.

Sparks police killing analysis: Could 18 year-old Miciah Lee have been saved?
Former sheriff: Establish citizen police review board
By Anjeanette Damon & Marcella Corona / rgj.com 7-6-2020 / Reno Gazette-Journal entire front page feature / Sunday 7-12-2020

Black Lives Matter protestors confronted by machine-gun toting Trumpistas in front of Nevada Legislature
By James DeHaven / rgj.com 7-11-2020 / Reno Gazette- Journal 7-12-2020

Feemster: Reject, re-evaluate, reform, renew
By Josie Glassberg / Sierra Nevada Ally / 7-9-2020

Feemster: Police reform needed after Sparks shooting
By Marcella Corona / rgj.com 6-29-2020 / Reno Gazette-Journal front page 7-1-2020

Growing up black in Reno —> Attorney David Gamble's personal memoir
Guest editorial / rgj.com 6-14, Reno Gazette-Journal Sunday June 21, 2020

CAPITAL OFFENSE —> On closed Carson Street, Black Lives Matter protesters chant 'I can't breathe'.
By Ed Komenda & Jason Bean / rgj.com 6-20 / Reno Gazette-Journal Sunday 6-21-2020

Kneeling isn't enough — Activists demand sweeping change
Interview with Reno-Sparks NAACP President Lonnie Feemster
By Elliott Wailoo / Los Angeles Times 6-18-2020

Government shuts down when it should step up
Barbwire by Andrew Barbáno / Expanded from the Wednesday 6-17-2020 Sparks Tribune

Top 10 cures still go begging
Barbwire by Andrew Barbáno / Expanded from the Wednesday 6-10-2020 Sparks Tribune

FLAILING OVERTURNED TURTLE: Have we reached a turning point?
By Frank Rich / New York Magazine 6-9-2020

View Reno-Sparks NAACP President Lonnie Feemster's June 6 & 7 appearance on KTVN TV-2's Face the State half-hour program

Most arrested after May 30 Reno riot were innocent downtown residents
Most live within walking distance of downtown, one 700 feet from City Hall
Mississippi West alive and well: City lawyers advise arrestees to plead guilty or face days or weeks in jail
Reno Gazette-Journal / Sunday front page 6-7-2020

Reno reimposes martial law

Tuesday, 02 Jun 2020 17:12:30 (PDT) [Official City of Reno bulletin] Reno, Nevada USA — Out of an abundance of caution for public safety, Reno Mayor Hillary Schieve has issued citywide curfews starting at 7 p.m. tonight, Tuesday, June 2. The curfew will be in effect nightly from 7 p.m. until 5 a.m. the next morning and will continue until terminated by Mayor Schieve. During the hours of the curfew, no person — with the exception of law enforcement, military and other emergency response personnel, government officials and authorized media — shall enter or remain in the public right of way, public parks or any other public place in Reno unless they have an essential reason to be out (i.e. people traveling to/from work or seeking emergency care, etc.). Residents are asked to adhere to the curfew to help protect the safety of our community. [More at Reno.Gov]

Don't let fear and anger convert us to Germany 1933
Barbwire by Andrew Barbáno / Expanded from the Wednesday 6-3-2020 Sparks Tribune

Downtown Reno Black Lives Matter rally turns violent

     RENO, NEV. (Updated 7:54 p.m. PDT 6-2-2020 / 02:54 June 3 GMT) — Saturday afternoon's downtown Reno Black Lives Matter rally turned violent after adjournment as evening approached. People jumped on cars near the casino center Reno Arch. Windows were broken at businesses, the Washoe County Courthouse and Reno City Hall. Its first floor set afire, tear gas was used to keep crowds away from the 14-story high-rise. Arrests were made. Gov. Steve Sisolak called out the Nevada National Guard. Citizens put hands in the air shouting "don't shoot." KOLO TV-8 telecasted live, joined by two other network affiliates much later in the evening. Reno Mayor Hillary Schieve ordered a citywide curfew which was expanded to cover the entire county. The Reno-Sparks NAACP called for calm and transparency regarding all shootings, local and elsewhere. Stay tuned.

NAACP calls for calm, demands police transparency
Family of 18 year-old killed by Sparks Police in January still waiting for answers
By James DeHaven / rgj.com 5-31-2020 / Reno Gazette-Journal 6-1-2020


Sen. Neal endorses Elizabeth Warren for President

Sen. Neal's comments on the Feb. 19 NBC debate

LAS VEGAS, February 20, 2020 5:25:20 PM PST — Last night, Elizabeth Warren proved that she could be our Joan Of Arc, ready to lead an army of well-intentioned souls who cherish freedom and stand ready to support Warren in defending it by replacing the present occupant of the White House with a woman — Senator Elizabeth Warren.

Sen. Warren was great in the Las Vegas debate. She showed the world that she was not a librarian wanting to keep a nation quiet but a leader willing to fight for a better deal for the people when the forces of wealth and power are arrayed against their interest of opportunity and survival.

I believe that Elizabeth proved to the people who were privileged to watch that debate last night that she is very well capable of going toe to toe with the likes of Donald J. Trump in the general election. Her expression of wit, knowledge and a value system, which some called an attack, were laced with bombshells of outstanding comments and questioning that left many asking "who is this woman?"

It was Elizabeth Warren at her best in defending a nation that wants to be freed from the dictatorial path of Donald J.Trump and set us again upon the road to a more perfect union.

Sen. Neal's review of a Warren rally

LAS VEGAS, February 16, 2020, 9:20:41 AM PST — I attended a Warren Rally at Centennial High School on Saturday, February 15, 2020, at 12:00 noon. The senator was at the top of her game. She spoke to an over flow crowd that seemed to be pleased with her message. Her emphasis seemed to be on getting a woman elected to the presidency.
     A recent poll shows that, if nominated, she can beat Trump in a head-to-head race. Warren was buoyant as always. She showed a wit that would be devastating to Trump, who does not take criticism well. When she becomes the nominee of the Democratic Party, as I have noted, if Trump tries to intimidate Warren as he did with Hillary, by walking behind her, Warren would drop the mike on him and kindly ask him to sit his derrière down. Derrière is not the word I believe Warren would use, as indicated by one button being sold at the rally: “Nasty women make sh#t happen”.
     As you may recall, Trump used the phrase “nasty woman” in the 2016 campaign against Hillary. This woman, Elizabeth Warren, was the last sibling born among four. The other three were boys. She gives you the appearance of Harper Lee’s Scout, the principal character in the novel “To Kill A Mocking Bird”.
     Sen. Warren seems anxious to take on Trump. It was a speech that pointed out how she became involved in politics. It was a speech that showed her working in the back room of the US Senate chairing a Congressional Oversight Panel (COP), purportedly to oversee the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) that was to bail out Big Wall Street Banks. However, it had no authority to determine if they needed bailing out.
     Warren was called to this position by our own Senator Harry Reid, who at the time was Senate Majority Leader. When Warren was named by Sen. Reid to head up this program, and because its acronym was COP, she asked Reid if she could bring handcuffs.
     Sen. Warren took the position even though it had no mandate to correct anything. Ms. Warren soon recognized what she was overseeing was bailout money going  to large financial institutions. She did not run from this, instead using her ingenuity to perform research on these institutions and issue reports.
This gave her the insight to gather information into the operation of the Big Banks. Elizabeth      Warren’s appointment facilitating research of these financial institutions was more likely than not an unintended consequence of an appointment which had as a logical goal the removal of a person from the field of making consumers aware of their powers regarding financial institutions.
     From the chairmanship of COP, she was able to move the US Senate, with the assistance of the Obama Administration, toward the creation of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Warren's actions as chair of COP showed that she was unwilling to be stalemated in overseeing a law that was designed to do nothing for consumers.
     Then the offer came for her to run for the Senate against “pretty boy” Scott Brown, a Senator wooing women with half-naked billboards of himself across Massachusetts.
     So Elizabeth Warren decided to test her ability to win a senatorial race, but made it understood she would not take her clothes off to do so. In this race for the Senate, Warren began seventeen points behind Brown and won the race by eight points, a 25-point turnaround. It was a sweet victory for her because Brown had been one of those senators who opposed her plan to help consumers.
     How was Warren able to beat a popular senator having never run for public office before? I guess one can look upon this race from that old adage “where there is a will there is a way”. Elizabeth discovered a marvelous way to campaign against Brown.
     She would seek out young girls in the crowd and get down on one knee to introduce herself: “Hi, I am Elizabeth Warren and I am running for the US Senate because that is what girls do.” It is called getting the vote of the parent through the children. One thing that Elizabeth Warren proved, you can never doubt her ingenuity. So, when I hear that she will beat Trump, I will not have any doubt that she can.
     For that reason, I called her staff early after her announcement to run for the presidency stating that I would support Elizabeth Warren in this endeavor. Shortly after making my support known to the Nevada staff, I received a call from Senator Warren thanking me for joining the fight. If she is elected, and I have no reason to think that she will not be, the value of that phone will be worth much as it received a call from the first woman presidential candidate to be elected.
This is not to say that I am motivated by greed. I am motivated by seeing a qualified woman becoming President of the United States.
     History has shown us where women were in power, they did marvelous things. Take for example the appointment of Francis Perkins as the first woman to serve as Secretary of Labor. Francis Perkins  brought us Social Security and the minimum wage. I am a proud recipient  of a monthly Social Security check each month. For this, I say thank you, Francis Perkins.

Endorsement statement from Sen. Neal

Las Vegas 30 April 2019 — I attended a gathering for Sen. Warren at Bonanza High School in Southern Nevada over the weekend. This was the first time I had the opportunity to observe the Senator in person. The woman is dynamic. I kept thinking that I was looking at the first woman President of the United States. Her grasp and explanation of the issues were outstanding. I believe that the Senator will change the method of campaigning for the Presidency. Her organizing team is very young but seem to be very wise to the ways of campaigning.

At the Bonanza meeting, there seemed to be more women than men. The women seemed to be younger. It would appear that the women are selecting their candidate for the Presidency and if my observation is true, Sen. Warren may very well be the sleeper in the race. There seem to be clues revealed in the new independent university Quinnipiac poll that indicates when Sen. Warren appears with other candidates, she excels. This poll shows her running second to Biden. Which said to me, if they appear on stage together, she will take him. I say this because when she appeared on stage at the "She The People" rally with Bernie and Kamala Harris, Sen. Warren took the group by storm without any visible support going toward such as Harris whose Sisterhood (Members of AKA Sorority) was in the audience to lend her support. Senator Warren had no one but herself and her message.

The Quinnipiac Poll, which was taken after this meeting, seemed to reflect the difference in what the public thinks about Sen. Warren and the direction she wants to take the country. I am aware that some voters may be entertaining the question, can Elizabeth beat Trump? It is not a question as to whom can beat; it is a question can we the people beat Trump? The answer is emphatically: Yes we can!! The latter may have a familiar ring to it. Elizabeth Warren seems to be a person who understands human nature. She would not be a Hillary Clinton running against Donald Trump. She would be a woman of boundless energy, intellect and wit, who could be called upon to show the emperor with no clothes.


Sen. Neal on the powers of the chief justice when presiding over the impeachment trial of a sitting president

Las Vegas 13 January 2020 — I have argued earlier that the chief justice may emerge as a key figure in President Trump’s impeachment trial. Because we have had so few impeachment trials of presidents, there have not been established rules for the process. By implication, the majority leader is claiming powers constitutionally he may not have.

Because we have a young Chief Justice Roberts, a student of Prof. Lawrence Tribe, presiding over the trial, we may get a new perspective as to the powers which the chief may exercise over such proceedings as the impeachment of a president.

It is my belief from reading and studying constitutional law, the chief justice has tremendous powers in conducting an impeachment trial. These powers are determined by the action words “to try" and "presiding.”

The Constitution requires that the chief preside over the impeachment of the president, instead of the president of the senate — the vice-president who may have a vested interest in removing the president. This is purely an action to insure the fairness of the process.

If the founders had thought of this as being a political process as one senate member has assumed, the founders would have left the president of the senate to preside over the impeachment of a president. They did not and called upon a person who had a lifetime appointment as chief justice who should not be consumed by fear not to act in a fair manner in the way the Constitution mandatorily demands.

The founders state in an unequivocal manner of fairness as was evident in such trial cases in the 1700s and the person to render such fairness would be the chief justice of the United States. I have heard some members of the senate say that impeachment is a political process. When a process is written into the Constitution, it is a legal process. Since the Constitution calls for a trial to be presided over by the chief justice, and such a person is called upon to administer an Oath of Impartiality to the senators present who will be hearing the impeachment charges, the words which are instructive as to the duties of the chief justice are “presiding" "to try."

For the meaning of such words, one would have to look at their usage in the 1700s. These words and definitions are no different today than their usage in the 18th Century.

What I am saying is that the senate has limited powers when it comes to sitting in judgment of a president as to whether he should be removed from office. I would submit that the senate cannot set the rules as to whom will be heard or testify. This is a question, in my judgment, which is left to the chief justice’s implied powers found in his duties to preside and administer the oath of impartial justice under the Constitution.

I would say that the language of the Constitution allows the chief to kick Majority Leader Mitch McConnell off the senate panel if he insists that he cannot be impartial, or if he should give an indication of not being able to be impartial, after taking the oath.

I believe the chief justice has the power under the Constitution to insure impartiality. This, I  believe, includes denial of the majority leader's right  to participate in the trial.

There are two types of impeachment and removal from office. The impeachment of the president is different from all the rest. There is a special action for the president as opposed to others who may be impeached and removed from office under the Constitution over whom the senate seems to have more control in determining the process — but not for the impeachment and removal of a president.

The chief justice is the powerful person in this process.


Here is the oath discussed above which Chief Justice Roberts will administer to senators in attendance: I solemly swear that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of Donald John Trump, president of the United States, now pending, I will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws: So help me God.


Sen. Neal taught constitutional law at Community College of Southern Nevada for many years.

Happy High Holly Days to all

Hope you and yours enjoyed enthralling Thanksgibleting.
HAPPY NEW YEAR / Feliz Año Nuevo
/ Felice Anno Nuovo
Frohe Weihnachten und beste Wuensche fuer 2020

Requiescant in pace
John F. Kennedy
May 29, 1917 — November 22, 1963

C.S. Lewis: November 29, 1898 — November 22, 1963
Aldous Huxley: July 26, 1894 — November 22, 1963

74th Annual Reno-Sparks NAACP
Freedom Fund Awards Banquet Oct. 19, 2019

Sen. Neal presented major awards
Goodbye, Columbus: A mirror for America
How Italians Became "White"
Barbwire by Andrew Barbáno
/ Expanded from the 10-16-2019 Sparks Tribune
Déjà vu all over again: Bernie turns 2020 into 1968
Barbwire by Andrew Barbáno / Expanded from the 10-9-2019 Sparks Tribune

Guns and roses, traitors & political poses
Barbwire by Andrew Barbáno / 8-7-2019 Sparks Tribune

New York Times front page headline 8-6-2019
BARBWIRE TRANSLATION: "You provide the unity, I'll provide the racism"
Coming in Wednesday's Sparks Tribune: Guns and roses, traitors and political poses

Reno-Sparks NAACP President Lonnie Feemster:
Rename Nevada's Jeff Davis Peak

By Nicholas Brulliard / Summer 2019 edition / National Parks Magazine
The official publication of the National Parks Conservation Association, founded 1919

Historical Black Colleges and Universities Tour 2019

No Opportunity Wasted (NOW) is gearing up for its 9th College Prep Program to culminate with the HBCU Tour. The program Kickoff is scheduled for Saturday, August 31 at the University of Nevada-Reno Rotunda in the Knowledge Center (nee library) with guest speakers and light refreshments. Please sign up by contacting Barbara Bolton, Co-Founder/Executive Director, NOW, Inc. (702) 289-6050.  Register for the program kickoff here: https://www.hbcunow.org/contact/

Reno City Council passes rent control
Barbwire by Andrew Barbáno / 7-17-2019 Sparks Tribune

Happy Birthday Senator Neal!

ON THIS DATE IN HISTORY: On July 28, 1935, Joseph M. Neal, Jr., was born in Mounds, Louisiana.

On April 9, 1939, world-renowned contralto Marian Anderson performed before an audience of 75,000 in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC. She had been banned from Constitution Hall by the Daughters of the American Revolution because of her skin color. First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt promptly quit the DAR (many others followed) and arranged for her to sing in front of the statue of President Lincoln. U.S. Dept. of Interior Secretary Harold Ickx addressed the crowd. Her performance included "My Country 'Tis of Thee" and Franz Schubert's "Ave Maria." Legendary conductor Arturo Toscanini called her voice "one that comes along every hundred years." A film of the event was circulated to U.S. public schools in the early 1950's...On April 9, 1968, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was laid to rest in Atlanta, Georgia. Per King's request, his good friend Mahalia Jackson sang his favorite hymn, "Take My Hand, Precious Lord."

Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak will deliver the keynote address at César Chávez Celebration XVII 3-27-2019
Sen. Neal's newly published biography featured


28-YEAR ASSEMBLYMEMBER BOB PRICE DIED on January 4, 2019, in Sparks, Nevada. He was 82. Go to NevadaLabor.com for updated information, a formal obituary and information on Reno and Las Vegas commemoration ceremonies. He was a close friend and trusted colleague of Sen. Neal who will take part in a remembrance of Mr. Price at César Chávez XVII on March 27, 2019, at the Grand-Sierra-Reno. May the great lawmaker and union man (IBEW 357/AFL-CIO) rest in peace after a life admirably well-lived.
60 YEARS' WORTH OF EXPERIENCE SORELY MISSED (3-21-2011) 32-year former Sen. Joe Neal and 28-year former Assemblyman Bob Price, both D-N. Las Vegas, back in the great halls where they belong. Sen. Neal was in Carson City to witness the introduction of the first bill sponsored by his daughter, freshman Assemblywoman Dina Neal, D-N. Las Vegas. Bob and Nancy Price, a former Nevada university regent, journeyed from their Sparks home to the capital for a noontime workers rally. (Photo courtesy of Nancy Price.)
Thank you for your prayers for Bob, Nancy and their family.

The Bob Price Legacy

Send condolences and remembrances for posting online

OF CRABS AND CLANS: White bibs or white sheets tonight
Barbwire Confidential by Andres Luis Barbáno / 2-23-2019 SPECIAL ONLINE HUSHhush E-EDITION

His own Man: Nevada Legislature learned to work with a black senator
Review of "The Westside Slugger: Joe Neal's lifelong fight for social justice"
By Dennis Myers / Reno News & Review 2-21-2019
Clarification about the review: In 2003, Sen. Neal won passage of an increase in Nevada's gambling tax on the state's largest, most profitable casinos. It has not risen since he retired in 2004.
Sen. Neal and author John L. Smith will personally autograph copies on March 27, 2019, at César Chávez XVII at the Grand Sierra-Reno.

Hot off the press: "The Westside Slugger"
The life and times biography of Joseph M. Neal, Jr.

Nevada's first African-American senator
By Nevada Press Association Hall of Famer John L. Smith
Published in January 2019 by the University of Nevada Press

NAACP Nevada Black History Month information

More stupid signs of our republic's decline
Barbwire by Andrea Luigi Barbáno / Expanded from the 1-2-2019 Sparks Tribune

Crystal Balls: Peerless Predixions 2019 & Beyond
Barbwire by Andrea Luigi Barbáno/ Expanded from the 12-26-2018 Sparks Tribune

So this is Christmas: May we get what we deserve
Barbwire by Andrea Luigi Barbáno / Expanded from the 12-19-2018 Sparks Tribune

Rosanell Eaton, fierce voting rights advocate, dies at 97
Witness to History Fought for the Right to Vote in The South Until the Day She Died
By Robert D. McFadden / The New York Times / Front Page / 12-10-2018

A Christmas fantasy for freedom-loving racists
Barbwire by Andrea Luigi Barbáno
/ Expanded from the 12-5-2018 Sparks Tribune

A pledge of allegiance for our empire's children
The above was published before the death of President George HW Bush. His record survives him
Barbwire by Andrea Luigi Barbáno / Expanded from the 11-28-2018 Sparks Tribune

Nevada civil rights giant dies
Dolores Monica Mendocino Feemster, 1929-2018

Latest Klannish Nevada racism reports

Racist terrorism in the Nevada outback
Mississippi West 2018: Sexy moral depravity abides
Barbwire by Andrew Barbáno / Expanded from the 1-31-2018 Sparks Tribune & affiliated publications

Fire is the devil's only friend
Barbwire by Andrew Barbáno / Expanded from the 10-4-2017 Sparks Tribune

COVER YOUR YEAR-END: Those with crystal balls should cover their glasses
Barbwire by Andrew Barbáno / Expanded from the 12-27-2017 Sparks Tribune

Nevada waived legislator conflict rule for Raiders vote
Barbano: "The deal drips with cronyism"
Associated Press & Center for Public Integrity
Tampa Bay Times 12-8-2017 / Reno Gazette-Journal 12-11-2017

Reno-Sparks NAACP leader Darryl Feemster dies

HAPPY THIRD ANNIVERSARY — On Nov. 23, 2014, Assemblymember Ira Hansen, R-Sparks/North Central Nevada, stepped down as 2015 Assembly Speaker-designate after The Barbwire broke the story of his long record of racist writing.

Window of opportunity: 48 hours for human rights
Barbwire by Andrew Barbáno / Expanded from the 10-11-2017 Sparks Tribune

Freedom loving racists shoot to rewrite history
Barbwire by Andrew Barbáno / Expanded from the 9-20-2017 Sparks Tribune

Virginia City Nevada celebrates Slave Labor Day
Barbwire by Andres Luis Barbáno/Special online Labor Day edition 9-2-2017/Updated 9-3,4,5

Just in time for President Trump's visit to Reno
True confessions of Nevada's undercover Republican presidential PR man

Barbwire by Andrew Barbáno / Expanded from the 8-23-2017 Sparks Tribune

2018—>The year of estrogenizing dangerously
Barbwire by Andrew Barbáno / Expanded from the 8-9-2017 Sparks Tribune


On Aug. 2, 1924, author James Baldwin was born in New York City. The author of "Go Tell It on the Mountain," "The Fire Next Time" and so many other works, eventually relocated to France to escape the stigma of being known as "the black author." He died on 1 Dec. 1987 in St. Paul de Vence, France; on this date in 1942, farmworker José Gallardo Díaz, near death, was found in a road near Sleepy Lagoon reservoir in southern California, sparking a wartime orgy of anti-Latino police and journalism activities, dubious prosecutions of suspects, and the Zoot Suit Riots of 1943; on this date in 1957, The Big Beat, a rock and roll show that predated American Bandstand and featured an astonishing array of stars, appeared for the last time, cancelled by ABC after singer Frankie Lymon was spotted dancing with a white girl on the show. (The 1924 item was suggested by Garrison Keillor's daily Writers Almanac sponsored on National Public Radio by The Poetry Foundation; the latter pair appear courtesy of longtime Nevada jourmalist Dennis Myers' daily Poor Denny's Almanac.)

On July 28, 1917 during World War One and after rioting whites in East St. Louis killed 40 black residents, 8,000 African Americans marched down Fifth Avenue in absolute silence to protest U.S. oppression of its black citizens in community life and in the armed services; on 7-28-1932 in the District of Columbia, four troops of cavalry, six tanks, infantrymen with machine guns, and miscellaneous other forces all led by Douglas MacArthur (who said the fate of the republic was at stake) attacked the Bonus Army, unemployed veterans of World War One who had marched across the nation to demand early payment of a promised bonus; on 7-28-1967, President Johnson established the National Commission on Civil Disorders (whose report, submitted on February 29, 1968, he ignored). (Courtesy of Nevada journalist Dennis Myers'daily almanac.)

Reno-Sparks NAACP Mourns Former Presidents
Nevada civil rights giants Eddie Scott, Bill Moon laid to rest

Condemned at Birth
The diabetes establishment inhibits research on a very promising diabetes CURE
"Tell us how it will make ever make us money."
Barbwire by Andrew Barbáno
/ Expanded from the 6-13-2017 Sparks Tribune

Sen. Neal's 2002 universal health care proposal proves visionary in retrospect

Death Panels, Part Deux
Sen. Neal: Gov. O'Callaghan's legacy dismantled by successsors
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 3-14-2017 Sparks Tribune

40th Anniversary of Equal Rights Betrayal
Sen. Neal recalls his history-making 1977 fight for the Equal Rights Amendment
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 2-28-2017 Sparks Tribune
Updated 3-1, 3-3, 3-6 and 3-8-2017

Reidless or Rudderless?
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 2-21-2017 Sparks Tribune

Kate Smith & Lady Gaga
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 2-14-2017 Sparks Tribune

The Gorsuch Nonesuch: Poison Annie's Revenge
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 2-7-2017 Sparks Tribune

On Nov. 23, 2014, after revelations by The Barbwire/Sparks Tribune, the Reno News & Review and the Reno-Sparks NAACP, Assemblymember Ira-Hansen, R-Sparks, resigned as speaker-designate of the Nevada State Assembly.

In Memoriam: John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 5-29-1917/11-22-1963

Walk a mile in Colin Kaepernick's cleats
"In this country, American means white. Everybody else has to hyphenate."—Toni Morrison
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 8-30-2016 Sparks Tribune

Gunzo Gonzo: Like most Nevada sheriffs, this God-fearing gunmonger wants more firearms on the streets without background checks
Barbwire by Barbano / Sparks Tribune 7-19-2016
Barbwire Archives

Psychographic testing biases police application exams
By Patricia Gallimore and Andrew Barbano / Reno-Sparks NAACP
RGJ.com 7-14-2016 / Reno Gazette-Journal 7-17-2016

Top 10 cures for what ails us: Better late than never
Nixon's 1968 Law & Order campaign was even more racist than previously known
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 7-12-2016 Sparks Tribune

Report: Rise in poverty threatens to further weaken Nevada education system
Ian Whitaker / Las Vegas Sun 7-7-2016

When public interest is secondary to public relations
Managing the spin of the war on drugs
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 7-5-2016 Sparks Tribune

Who owns Nevada's PBS TV 5-and-10-cent store?
Who shot JR? Ralston show axed without notice.

Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 6-28-2016 Sparks Tribune

Donald Trump, Charles Manson and Mother Theresa
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 6-21-2016 Sparks Tribune

Former Assemblymember Bob Price, D-N. Las Vegas, longtime Neal colleague, goes home after seven-month hospital stay
Sparks Tribune 6-14-2016

Rent control, damage control and butt control
Donald Trump's VP running mate uncloaked
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 6-14-2016 Sparks Tribune

Muhammad Ali: Winning against earthquakes
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 6-7-2016 Sparks Tribune / Updated 6-10-2016

Nevada utilities continually consume consumers
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 5-31-2016 Sparks Tribune

Hall of Fame former NLV Assemblyman Bob Price ailing
Sen. Neal calls longtime colleague with 80th birthday greetings
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 5-31-2016 Sparks Tribune

Big money still smarts from Neal's 2000 victory
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 4-26-2016 Sparks Tribune

ON THE AIR —> Reno-Sparks NAACP President Patricia Gallimore and First Vice-President Andrew Barbano guested on The Crisis Magazine Radio Program, Tuesday, 19 April 2016 at 10:10 a.m. PDT. The hostess was Crisis Publisher Laura Blackburne. The program aired live on WTHE 1520-am in the New York City/New Jersey/Connecticut metropolitan area. Established in 1910, The Crisis is the official publication of the NAACP.

Voter Registration: The best method yet devised to prevent citizens from voting
Dennis Myers / Reno News & Review cover story 4-7-2016

Community Teach-In for Gun Sense – Thursday March 3, 5:30 p.m., Bethel AME Church, 2655 Rock Blvd, Sparks NV / RSVP to Temple Sinai

TV or not TV — Oscar blackouts and PBS blacklists
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the Tuesday 3-1-2016 Sparks Tribune

Michael Moore begs President Obama to visit the poisoned people of Flint, Michigan
Sign the petition!

Martin Luther King, Jr., weekend traditional event schedule

In Sparks, politics isn't personal, just business
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the Tuesday 1-12-2016 Sparks Tribune

On this date in 1955, on the night of Rosa Parks’ arrest, Jo Ann Gibson Robinson stayed up all night mimeographing 35,000 flyers announcing the boycott of the Montgomery bus system. [Courtesy of longtime Nevada reporter Dennis Myers' daily Poor Denny's Almanac]

Happy Thanksgibleting
Love and laughter to you and yours
Almanac for Thanksgiving weekend

On Nov. 21, 1980, eighty-seven people died in the MGM casino/hotel fire in Las Vegas. [Courtesy of longtime Nevada reporter Dennis Myers' daily Poor Denny's Almanac]

Thus began Sen. Neal's difficult but ultimately successful fight to win passage of Nevada's toughest-in-the-nation high-rise fire sprinkler law.

Sorcerer's apprentices work cheap in Nevada
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the Tuesday 11-17-2015 Sparks Tribune

Sen. Neal's statement on the resignation of the University of Missouri's president

The students' protest has caused the president to resign. I hope that this is first a means of taking charge of their education. Raw power has to mean something. When it is used to remove something, the replacement must be better than that which was removed.

A message has been sent to college and university presidents across the country that they have a responsibility to correct the negative things which may affect their campuses.

The tactics which were being used against black students were calling them "niggers." Apparently, this type of abuse, among other things, has been going on for some time without any corrective action provided or proposed by the administration.

So the black students sought a level of influence that has been seen at educational institutions since the early 1960s when Texas Western beat the University of Kentucky for the NCAA basketball championship.

The students solicited the cooperation of the football team and got it, both black and white, in calling for the resignation of the president. The football team decided to boycott any games to be played in the future until the president resigned. This resulted in the resignation of the president and now has the high probability of forcing needed changes in racial relations at the university.

Bigoted Reno Gazette-Journal column debunked
By Dennis Myers / Reno News & Review 10-29-2015
Reno-Sparks NAACP responds

NAACP sets 70th Annual Freedom Fund Awards Dinner Oct. 24 Circus Circus-Reno

Voter I.D. and driver's license office closures black-out Alabama's Black Belt
Alabama statewide newspapers / 9-30-2015

Conservative Sparks GOP Assemblyman Hansen borrows from Sen. Neal's gross gaming tax playbook
Strange bedfellows and nubile wenches
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 9-29-2015 Sparks Tribune

Barbano on statewide Nevada Newsmakers TV show

Cheering for cheating when jockocracy rules
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the Tuesday 9-15-2015 Sparks Tribune

We don't need no education, biblical or not
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the Tuesday 9-8-2015 Sparks Tribune

Labor Day 2016: Nevada workers' last stand
Barbwire Exclusives: Gansert will run to replace Brower in Nevada Senate
Complaint filed against welfare-bashing illegal GOP front petition

Barbwire by Barbano / Uploaded 8-30-2015/ Expanded from the Tuesday 9-1-2015 Sparks Tribune

JFK & LBJ: The truth about the besieged 1965 Voting Rights Act

Nevada legend Joe Neal takes victory lap on 80th birthday
John L. Smith / Las Vegas Review-Journal 8-1-2015

Happy birthday, Sen. Neal. Born 7-28-1935, Mounds, Louisiana.
Barbwire by Barbano / Sparks Tribune 7-28-2015

Freedom rider Erma Arvilla Rupp Fritchen dies
Memorial service 10:00 a.m. Sat. 25 July 2015, Sparks United Methodist Church, 1231 Pyramid Way
Reno Gazette-Journal 7-23-2015
Erma Fritchen: Rider on the Storm
Barbwire by Andrew Barbano / Daily Sparks Tribune 1-14-2007

On July 24, 1963, to avoid the embarrassment of a civil rights march against Las Vegas’ segregated casinos, the Sahara broke the solid phalanx among casinos and agreed to talks with the local NAACP branch headed by Marion Bennett; in 1971, John D. Loudermilk’s Indian Reservation (The Lament of the Cherokee Reservation Indian) by The Raiders hit number one on the Billboard chart and went on to become the biggest selling single in the history of Columbia Records. [Courtesy of longtime Nevada reporter Dennis Myers' daily Poor Denny's Almanac]

On this date in in 1868, the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, providing for due process under the law, was ratified.
[Courtesy of Poor Denny's Almanac]
On this date in 1991, President Bush the Elder signed the Americans with Disabilities Act into law.

Moving the needle and needling the weasels
Education funding hike non-existent / Confederate flags fly in Sparks, Nevada
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the Tuesday 7-21-2015 Sparks Tribune

Stench of sulfur suffuses Nevada's year of the gun
The ghost of Trayvon Martin today hangs heavy over Sparks.
Would killer Wayne Burgarello have been acquitted if he was black?

Barbwire by Barbano / Uncensored full-length edition expanded from the 6-2-2015 Sparks Tribune

June 7 ceremony in Dayton, Nev., honors former slave and Union Army Civil War Soldier Pvt. Scott Carnal, 79th U.S. Colored Infantry, died 7 June 1917, buried at Dayton Cemetery

2015 LEGISLATIVE END GAME (at least until special sessions start)
Union workers sound the alarm door-to-door in Carson City & Las Vegas
9:00 a.m. PDT Saturday 30 May 2015

Union cabbies plan mass Las Vegas Strip stoppage/demonstration May 29
Las Vegas Review-Journal 5-28-2015

Gomorrah South casino mogul castrates First Amendment in Nevada
Lawmakers bend over to make it easier for Steve Wynn to file frivolous lawsuits that can stifle and bankrupt any critic
By Dennis Myers / Reno News & Review 5-28-2015

Dogs and ponies, DARE traps and tokenism
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 5-26-2015 Sparks Tribune

Corporate welfare unites me with the moonhowlers
Even Ira Hansen sells out to the gambling-industrial complex
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 5-19-2015 Sparks Tribune

MayDay! The bright side of riots in the streets
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 5-5-2015 Sparks Tribune

In the Uber-Nevada Legislature, words can kill
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 4-28-2015 Sparks Tribune

Tesla rewrites history to chisel worker paychecks
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 4-21-2015 Sparks Tribune

Radiation Nation:
Gomorrah South bakes in the glow of victory

Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 4-14-2015 Sparks Tribune

Revenge, redistricting and amnesia in Cartoon City
Plus highlights from César XIII
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 4-7-2015 Sparks Tribune

Harry Reid, Eddy Arnold, César Chávez and Gaga Madonna
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 3-31-2015 Sparks Tribune

Barbano: GOP strategy to cripple labor, then gerrymander Nevada control thru at least 2022
By Cole Stangler / International Business Times 3-25-2015
High noon for the high desert outback of the American Dream
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 3-24-2015 Sparks Tribune

The South Rises Again. Does Ira Hansen know about this?
3 states make MLK holiday a co-celebration honoring Confederate General Robert E. Lee
Shaun King / Daily KOS 1-22-2015

Education Dysfunction Part LIII—>
Gov. Veto El Obtusè talks some trash
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 1-20-2015 Sparks Tribune

Barbano on statewide Nevada Newsmakers TV show
Tuesday 12-16-2014 KRNV TV-4 Reno/KENV TV-10 Elko 11:30 a.m. PST
Andrew Barbano and Sam Shad for an entire program
(About damn time after 22 freakin' years)

Psychically cynical but nonetheless newsworthy political proctology, peerless professional prognostication and epic poetic proselytizing promiscuously promised.
TV and radio re-run times and dates + view online

KRNV TV-4 Reno/KENV TV-10 Elko 11:30 a.m. PST Wednesday, 12-10-2014
Check hell
for snowfall: Barbano and Gammick actually agree on something.
Re-run times and dates + view online
Host: Sam Shad
Guest: State Senator James Settelmeyer, R-Minden, Capital Senate District 
Pundits: Jesse Gutierrez, Former Executive Director, Nevada Hispanic Services
Dick Gammick, Washoe County District Attorney

Andrew Barbano, Editor, NevadaLabor.com

Breaking Bad 5: Machine Gun Michele and the good ole boys
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 12-16-2014 Sparks Tribune

Breaking Bad 4: Ira & his ammosexuals flip us the finger
Hansen places his puppets in top slots but still controls the lower house.
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 12-9-2014 Sparks Tribune

Breaking Bad 3: Ira, the guv & the dragonslayers
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 12-2-2014 Sparks Tribune

Nevada Lawmaker Ira Hansen Is Forced From Leadership Post Over Remarks on Minorities
By KIMBERLEY McGEE and ADAM NAGOURNEY / The New York Times / 11-24-2014

Breaking Bad Part Deux: Ira blames the Tribune
Barbwire by Barbano/Submitted for publication 11-21-2014/Expanded from 11-25-2014 Sparks Tribune

TV-4 11-24: I'm not a racist, I just play one on TV

BREAKING NEWS—>Hansen resigns as Nevada State Assembly Speaker

KRNV TV-4 Reno / KENV TV-10 Elko / 11:30 a.m. PST Tuesday, 11-18-2014

Re-run times and dates + view online
Host: Sam Shad
Guest: Ray Hagar, Reno Gazette-Journal
Pundits: Michael Hackett, Alrus Consulting
Jesse Gutierrez, charter school operator, former Exec. Director, Nevada Hispanic Services
Andrew Barbano, Editor, NevadaLabor.com

Related item: Follytix '15: From Topless Campaign to Breaking Bad
On the documented racism and bigotry of incoming Nevada State Assembly Speaker Ira Hansen, R-Sparks
Barbwire by Barbano / Sparks Tribune
/ 11-18-2014

SMOKING GUNS: The Ira Hansen Files

Words from God on Nevada ballots and Ebola
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 10-21-2014 Sparks Tribune

Hazardous duty? Fourth Nevada State Assembly veteran dies within past year

Cheap thrills: Sex banned in Gomorrah South
How to intimidate Nevadans from registering to vote — by a Democrat, no less
GAO Study: Voter ID laws cut turnout by blacks, young
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 10-14-2014 Sparks Tribune

Jack Jeffrey

Memorial service in Henderson Friday, October 17

Message from Nevada State AFL-CIO Executive Secretary-Treasurer Danny Thompson
10 October 2014

VISITATION: Friday, Oct. 17, 2014 8:30-10:30 a.m., Palm Mortuary, 800 S. Boulder Highway; Henderson, Nevada

MEMORIAL SERVICE: Friday, Oct. 17, 11:00 a.m., St. Peter's Catholic Church, 204 S. Boulder Highway @ Lake Mead, Henderson
[Editor's note: We were originally informed that the service was at 11:00 a.m., changed to 12:00 noon then back to 11:00 a.m. We hope this is the final schedule. Sorry for any inconvenience.]

RECEPTION: 1:00 p.m. Friday, Oct. 17, Henderson Convention Center, 200 S. Water Street, Henderson

In Memoriam

Former Nevada State Assembly Majority Leader Jeffrey, D-Las Vegas, was a longtime legislative colleague of Sen. Neal. Condolences to his friends and family.

Statement from Sen. Neal: "Jack was one of my favorite people at the Legislature. When Gov. List wanted to take the fire sprinkler law away from me in 1981, Jack made a trip to the Senate to ask me about it, noting that the governor wanted to substitute his bill for mine. I told Jack to take all the good things from the governor's bill and put them into mine."

The resulting legislation, passed over gambling industry objections in the wake of the 1980 MGM Grand fire and the 1981 Las Vegas Hilton conflagration, became the toughest high-rise fire safety law in the world.

"In one of my first sessions, either in 1973 or 1975, some racists hassled me at a Carson City Basque restaurant. I told Jack about it," Sen. Neal remembers.

"Jack said 'next time that happens, you come get me.'

"The last time I saw him was at the Henderson history event last year. Jack was there with his wife (Betty)," Neal said.

Jeffrey was a longtime union member. He died of cancer which metastasized from his lungs. Jack smoked.

From former Assemblymember Bob Price, D-North Las Vegas
Forwarded by former University System Regent Nancy Price

"I am sad to hear about the death of my friend Jack Jeffrey. Jack and I served together in the Nevada Assembly for many years. We served on committees and shared a labor background. My heart goes out to his wife Betty and the family. The people of the State of Nevada benefit from Jack's hard work as a legislator."

Continuing updates and memories will be posted here and more are encouraged.

Return of the old lions

60 YEARS' WORTH OF EXPERIENCE SORELY MISSED IN 2011 (3-21-2011) 32-year former Sen. Joe Neal and 28-year former Assemblyman Bob Price, both D-N. Las Vegas, back in the great halls where they belong. Sen. Neal was in Carson City to witness the introduction of the first bill sponsored by his daughter, freshman Assemblywoman Dina Neal, D-N. Las Vegas. Bob and Nancy Price journeyed from their Sparks home to the capital for a noontime workers rally. (Photo courtesy of Nancy Price.)


Will today's lawmakers ask the classic question Sen. Neal always raised about gambling? —> Will the Tesla deal pay for all the growth impacts it will cause?

Tinkle-down economics: testing Tesla's testes
Theft of Washoe Med/Renown provides cautionary tale
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 9-9-2014 Sparks Tribune

News Roundup: Taxpayers taken for Teslacide demo ride

Sexy scandals, whitewashes & black towers
Media overlook federal sex/race/ethnicity investigation into Washoe County School District
Meanwhile, big money is spent strictly on abstinence
State panel to review militarization of police departments
In Nevada visit, new Veterans Administration boss proves all jobs require training

Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune / 8-21-2014

HANDS UP! Moment of Silence for slain Mo. teen Aug. 14 in Reno & Carson City

Education Dysfunction Part XLIV—>
Pots and Kettles: Can't we all get along?

BREAKING NEWS: WCSD Vice-President Dave Aiazzi has announced that he has been diagnosed with leukemia and will be resigning by the end of September. Remember him with healing thoughts and prayers.
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune / 8-7-2014

Education Dysfunction Part XLIII—>
Playing the race card for profit and peril

Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune / 7-31-2014

Happy 79th Birthday, Sen. Neal!
Born in Mounds, Louisiana, 28 July 1935
Call him at (702) 399-2114.

Legendary civil rights leader and Las Vegas TV personality Bob Bailey dies at 87
Las Vegas Review-Journal / 5-26-2014


about America's latest carnage

Now at BillMoyers.com (5-24-2014) — The website of the nation's most important TV show, which Northern Nevada's PBS affiliate KNPB TV-5 has refused to carry for years
Full Show: Facing the Truth: The Case for Reparations
Eight Charts Show Why Racial Equality Is a Myth in America
Looking Beyond the Minimum Wage
Living Apart: How the Government Betrayed a Landmark Civil Rights Law
Voting Rights Act Fix Stalled in Congress
When Chicago's west side fought back
How the Great Society Democratized Our Economy
Getting a College Degree Won’t Protect Black Workers From the Economy’s Racial Barriers
60 Years After Brown v. Board, Will Congress Revive a Dual School System?
A New Poor People’s Movement Must Have Leadership From Poor People
Race, the war on drugs and mass incarceration
The war on climate scientists with David Suzuki, eminent PBS contributor
• Morning Reads: Debtors' Prisons Are Back; Pope: It's 'Sinful' to Continue Causing Climate Change

Negative Optimism: Making the best of being worst
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 5-8-2014 Sparks Tribune

Taxes smolder while citizens do slow burn
May Day in Reno, D-Day for teachers' union tax petition
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 5-1-2014 Sparks Tribune

Black Panther Party Founding Member Bobby Seale speaks at UNR
April 22: Power to the people—>Admission is FREE

Marching for equal rights and equal pay on tax day
Shades of Sen. Neal's greatest parliamentary coup: The Equal Rights Amendment will be reintroduced at the 2015 Nevada Legislature

The above year of 2015 is in error. The correct date is April 15, 2014.

Marching for equal rights and equal pay on tax day

April 14, 2014

For more information contact
Janette Dean - Cell (775) 771-8735
For Event on April 15, 2014—  Helene de Boissiere-Swanson, Cell (415) 233-2049

Washoe Valley resident, UNR political science major and 2013 Outstanding Nevada Legislative Intern Janette Dean is working toward passage of the ERA and plans to reach out to a Nevada State Senator to introduce ratification legislation in the 78th Session. She was also able to speak with U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Searchlight, on Monday morning at a "Meet the Candidate and Elected Officials" forum in which he emphasized the importance of many issues such as comprehensive immigration reform, expanded renewable energy usage, an increase in the minimum wage, and equal pay for women who earn just 77 cents to the dollar compared with men.

In reply to her question about supporting the ERA, Reid told Dean and the audience that he would have no problem supporting federal legislation providing passage of the ERA or with Nevada ratification as one of the final three states needed.

In fact, he told Dean, "It's been long enough, hasn't it?"

Dean says she also wants passage of the ERA because "it will finally allow the United States to also ratify the U.N. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) treaty which we signed in July 1980 but did not ratify because there is no strong legal mechanism to put its provisions into practice which is required upon ratification; the ERA as the 28th Amendment would provide that.
Only seven out of 194 countries have not ratified the CEDAW treaty, including the United States, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Iran and two small Pacific island nations (Palau and Tonga)."

Dean also stated that her current International Human Rights class inspired her involvement to help get Nevada to ratify the ERA. "In class, I learned that despite the fact that women should be protected under existing human rights laws, widespread discrimination in terms of pay, leadership positions, unprosecuted violence, legal bias, and other forms of discrimination continues including deprivation of education and healthcare in several developing areas. This is why laws that specifically outlaw discrimination by sex are indeed necessary such as the long overdue ERA."

Text of the Equal Rights Amendment:

Section 1. Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.

Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.

Section 3. This amendment shall take effect two years after the date of ratification.

SNATCHING DEFEAT FROM THE JAWS OF VICTORY — Read how Sen. Joe Neal, D-North Las Vegas, engineered the most artful piece of parliamentary maneuvering in the history of the Nevada Legislature to pass the ERA in the good old boys' State Senate of 1977 — only to see the bill killed in the previously-committed and lewdly liberal State Assembly by a dirty political deal between two juice lobbyists and eight turncoat Democrats.

UPDATE+Photo: Marching for equal rights and equal pay on tax day


Sen. Neal speaks at
César Chávez Celebration XII
Monday 31 March 2014 / Circus Circus-Reno
Update: Sen. Neal was inducted into the César Chávez Nevada Labor Hall of Fame at the event. Watch this website for complete details and photos.

On April 11, 1968, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law the Civil Rights Act of 1964, famously remarking "We have lost the south for a generation."

On April 10, 1947, Brooklyn Dodgers president Branch Rickey announced he had purchased the contract of Jackie Robinson from the Montreal Royals.

The Obamacare Bitcoin online vote exchange
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 4-10-2014 Sparks Tribune

Where’s the modern-day Joe Neal for governor, Democrats?
Steve Sebelius / Las Vegas Review-Journal 1-17-2014

2:00 p.m. Jan. 18 memorial set for former Nevada Assemblymember and hospital trustee Vivian Freeman

Former Nevada Assemblyman Bernie Anderson dies
UPDATE: Funeral 10:00 a.m. PST Saturday 1-18-2014 @ Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Sparks for longtime educator and Judiciary Committee Chairman
San Francisco Chronicle / Associated Press 1-10-2014

They don't do anything until somebody dies
UNR & downtown Reno theater firetraps mean little was learned from Las Vegas Hilton & MGM disasters
Remembering Sen. Neal's landmark high-rise fire sprinkler law
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from
the 12-12-2013 Sparks Tribune

RENO, Nev. (12-5-2013) — Longtime Neal colleague. former Nevada Assemblymember and hospital trustee Vivian Freeman dies at 86.

John F. Kennedy's 2014 Inaugural Address
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 11-21-2013 Sparks Tribune

Breaking News and Bulletins—>
Nov. 21, 2013: State Senate Majority leader Mo Denis, D-Las Vegas, headlines Reno informational meeting regarding Driver’s Authorization Cards
Nov. 23: FOUR Immigration Reform marches in Reno

Immigration Shifts Political Power
AP-Las Vegas Sun / 11-20-2013

POOR DENNY'S ALMANAC 11-21-2013 — On this date in 2004, Ray Hagar and Sandi Wright reported in the Reno Gazette-Journal that local schools attended by low income students tended to be the most poorly maintained schools.
        THE BARBWIRE RESPONDS: So what else is new? Over the decades, the RGJ has done a sterling job investigating separate but unequal health care and education. Alas and alack, nothing much ever changes on the High Desert Plantation. For a quick sad summary, see the Barbwire of April 2, 2006 (updated periodically).

Assemblymember Peggy Pierce, D-Las Vegas, 1954-2013

The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross
With Henry Louis Gates, Jr. / Oct. 22-Nov. 26 / 8-9:00 pm. Eastern
Check local listings for times and re-runs

A new six-part series now on PBS TV stations

Sen. Neal featured at 11 Oct. 2013 Henderson history event

The next Henderson Speaks Lecture presents Nevada historians on these topics:

   1. The Economic Impact of the Henderson industrial plants on southern Nevada before and during World War II
    2. Labor and Race Relations at World War II-era BMI (Basic Metals, Inc.) plants

Presenters in addition to Sen. Neal:
Historian and retired Nevada State Archivist Guy Louis Rocha
Former Nevada Governor and U.S. Senator Richard H. Bryan

Moderator: Dr. Peter La Chappelle, Associate Professor of History
Nevada State College

When: Friday, October 11, 2013, 6:30 p.m.
Where: College of Southern Nevada, Henderson Campus
   Caesar J. Caviglia Academic Building
   Lecture Room—John C. Kish Auditorium
   700 College Dr.
   Henderson, NV 89002

For more information, go to the Henderson Historical Society

NOTE: Two items at the above link regarding Sen. Neal require correction. He served in the Nevada State Senate for 32 years, 1972-2004, the second-longest tenure in state history. He ran for governor twice, in 1998 and 2002. In the latter year, he made history as the first major party African-American nominee for the state's top office.


USA at crossroads: New Deal or new Confederacy?
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 10-10-2013 Sparks Tribune

Lawnmower Man, bladerunners and smoke eaters
Demonstrators at Reno Federal Courthouse deserve combat pay
March on Washington commemoration marred

Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from
the 8-29-2013 Sparks Tribune

The presence of all colors gives you black
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 7-25-2013 Sparks Tribune

Photo: Rev. Luther Dupree, Jr., kicks off downtown Reno Trayvon Martin rally
Reno News & Review 7-25-2013

London Guardian newspaper international investigative reporter Greg Palast urges Trayvon Martin's father to sue his son's killer
Truth-Out.org 7-24-2013

Former Las Vegas NAACP president, Methodist minister and
Assemblymember Marion Bennett, D-Las Vegas, dies of heart attack at 80

Las Vegas Review-Journal 7-23-2013

2011 Nevada Stand Your Ground law was proposed by a Democrat and pushed by Democrats
"Only three lawmakers voted no, all in the Assembly – Las Vegas Democrats Peggy Pierce, Maggie Carlton and Richard Carrillo."
Jon Ralston / 7-22-2013
On Mr. Ralston's July 24 program, attorney and Nevada Assembly Majority Leader William Horne, D-Las Vegas, defended the 2011 measure, opposed by Laura Martin of the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada. Neither acquitted him/herself very well. You may view the program online and decide for yourself by clicking here.

Bagging black bucks in the Gunshine State
Barbwire by Barbano / Commentary expanded from the 7-18-2013 Sparks Tribune

Barbano on statewide Nevada Newsmakers TV-radio-web program
Neal gross gambling tax issues remembered 7-8-2013

Clarence Thomas, Little Anthony & the Imperials
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 6-27-2013 Sparks Tribune

Mr. Wynnderful waxes wealthier whilst we wither
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 5-9-2013 Daily Sparks Tribune

The brutal law of unintended consequences
Between the devil and the deep Joe Neal
Sen. Neal's long-lost research may invalidate more than 100 longstanding Nevada laws
New higher electoral standard for teachers' tax petition may generate more support
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 2-28-2013 Daily Sparks Tribune

Barbano back on statewide Nevada Newsmakers TV/radio program —> Almost the entire Feb. 27 show concerned the teachers' tax petition. The Barbwire in the Feb. 28 Sparks Tribune will have a major impact on it both legislatively and electorally. Turn on, tune in and tell a friend.

César Chávez Celebration XI
Thursday 28 March 2013, Circus Circus-Reno
jueves 28 de Marzo, 2013 en Circus Circus de Reno
The event helps support the Reno-Sparks NAACP

Power politics & prescient predictions
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 1-10-2013 Daily Sparks Tribune

Trayvon Martin 2012

Click in the above image for the Reno demonstration's Facebook page.
Contact: Marianne Denton, 775- 843-9550.

Occupy Carson City will also demonstrate from 12 noon to 2:00 p.m. on Saturday in front of the Nevada Legislature on S. Carson Street in the capital city. Contact: Janette Dean, 775-461-3282

Return of the old lions

60 YEARS' WORTH OF EXPERIENCE SORELY MISSED IN 2011 (3-21-2011) 32-year former Sen. Joe Neal and 28-year former Assemblyman Bob Price, both D-N. Las Vegas, back in the great halls where they belong. Sen. Neal was in Carson City to witness the introduction of the first bill sponsored by his daughter, freshman Assemblywoman Dina Neal, D-N. Las Vegas. Bob and Nancy Price journeyed from their Sparks home to the capital for a noontime workers rally. (Photo courtesy of Nancy Price.)

Neal's efforts to create a state-owned bank still alive
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the Daily Sparks Tribune 1-8-2012

Chickens come home to roost on chickens
LV teacher chastises his union for failure to support Neal for governor in 2002
Chip Mosher / Las Vegas CityLife / 1-5-2012

Sen. Neal proven right again—12 years later
Neal solution to nuclear waste remains the best option
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the Daily Sparks Tribune 7-10-2011

Sen. Neal proven right again—10 years later
Sierra Pacific Powerful
He advocated legislation for public takeover of Nevada Power when opportunity was ripe. Nevada remains poorer for not listening.
Time for another initiative petition after 21 years?
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 1-16-2011 Daily Sparks Tribune
Read more about it: Neal 2003 legislative archive

Legislature 2011: Cruel and Unusual Punishment
Barbwire by Barbano/ Expanded from the 11-14-2010 Daily Sparks Tribune

Sen. Neal mourns longtime friend & supporter Patricia Fladager
Barbwire by Barbano/ Expanded from the 10-31-2010 Daily Sparks Tribune

Happy 75th, Sen. Neal

Sen. Neal marked his 75th birthday on July 28, 2010. Join him, his family and a few hundred of his closest personal friends on Friday, July 30, to celebrate the long journey from Mounds, Louisiana, to the wilds of Nevada. [UPDATED REPORT ]

Where: Dr. William U. Pearson Community Center
Rooms A, B and C
1625 West Carey
North Las Vegas, NV 89032

When: 6:00 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Friday, July 30, 2010

RSVP: Dina Neal

Nevada Oral History Never Before Published:
The alternate universe of Sen. Joe Neal

The simple song of greatness
Longtime Neal friend and supporter Patricia Potter dies
Barbwire by Barbano/ Expanded from the 7-18-201
0 Daily Sparks Tribune

Former Nevada Gov. Kenny Guinn dies 7-22-2010
Incumbent Guinn defeated Sen. Neal in the 2002 gubernatorial race. May he rest in peace.

Clinging to the Ledge
Ledge X:

The Deer-in-the-Headlights Legislative Session

Suing for Schools rerun schedule begins
Barbwire by Barbano / Expanded from the 2-28-2010 Daily Sparks Tribune

NAACP takes the lead in Nevada education crisis
LIVE REGIONAL TV + webcast 6:00 p.m. PST / 02:00 GMT
9:00 p.m. PST regional network rerun SUNDAY FEB. 21, 2010

SUING FOR SCHOOLS: The case for making Nevada finally obey her constitutional mandate to provide for public education
Can we do any worse with a judge running the system?
Sen. Harry Reid Blasts Gibbons: Exclusive Interview
Neal: Gov. Gibbons forces constitutional confrontation
Barbwire by Barbano / Daily Sparks Tribune / 2-21-2010

Democrat Dina Neal runs for Las Vegas area Nevada State Assembly District 7

Sen. Neal's 2002 universal health care proposal looks visionary in retrospect
2009: Sen. Neal used Hawaii as an example in 2002. Now look who's chiming in.
2009: Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, has introduced legislation resembling Neal Care 2002.
Nevada's experiment in hospital cost mitigation worked — so the legislature repealed it, naturally.

MAY 21, 2009

TODAY ON THE BARBWIRE: Former State Senator Joe Neal, D-North Las Vegas. A longtime proponent of making the gambling industry pay its fair share, Neal was a key player in the tax package passed in the 2003 session. He was also an advocate of health care reform during his 32 years in the senate (1972-2004). A member of the senate hall of fame, he is second in tenure only to Senate Minority Leader Bill Raggio, R-Reno. Neal served as president pro-tem, minority leader and acting governor during his time in office.

His website, SenJoeNeal.org, still earns substantial daily traffic, especially when the legislature is in session. He visited his former colleagues in Carson City earlier this week.

TUNE IN, TURN ON AND TELL A FRIEND. The Barbwire Show airs live each Tuesday and Thursday 4:00-5:00 p.m. PDT (23:00-24:00 GMT/ZULU) during the 2009 legislative session (and subsequent special sessions, heaven forbid). Television and web viewers may call the Barbwire with questions (775) 882-8255 [882-TALK], while the program is in progress.

The show is broadcast on Access Carson Charter digital cable channels 210 and 226. (The blackguards at Charter Communications just switched the channel positions and the former analog positions at 10 and 26 were not forwarded to the new sites as of Tuesday. By Christmas, perhaps?)

Web viewers may access real-time webstreaming at Barbwire.TV. On-demand web viewing is available later on the same day as the original cablecast, also linked at Barbwire.TV.

The programs will rerun as part of Andrew Barbano's regular daily time slot, 2:00-4:00 p.m. PDT (21:00-23:00 GMT/ZULU) Monday thru Friday on Reno-Sparks-Washoe SNCAT Charter cable digital channels 16 and 216 and high-definition channel 80-295. They will also rebroadcast on other cable systems statewide, including Ely, Elko and Douglas County.

    "I cannot help but hear the voice of our friend and colleague, Senator Joe Neal, whose passion for this process and compassion for the working people of this state are guideposts by which we should all measure our actions."From Nevada Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford's floor remarks on the opening day of the 75th regular session of the Nevada Legislature. Sen. Horsford holds Sen. Neal's former seat in the upper house. (2-2-2009)

Reno Gazette-Journal 2-3-2009

NO AVERAGE JOE: It was like old home week Monday for Joe Neal, as the former longtime senator from North Las Vegas mingled with colleagues and foes at a prayer breakfast in the Old Assembly Chambers and during the opening session of the Senate.

He received standing ovations at both venues. Even the gaming lobbyists applauded.

"I was kind of a thorn in the sides of the gaming folks," Neal said.

First elected in 1972, Neal was the first African-American elected to the Senate in Nevada history. A Democrat, he served 32 years in the Senate, representing District 4 in Clark County, the seat now held by Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford. Neal ran for governor in 2002 but lost to incumbent Republican Kenny Guinn.

His Senate colleagues remembered him for his fiery speeches on the floor.

"He could get an ice cube fired up," said State Sen. Randolph Townsend, R-Reno.

Veteran journalist Dennis Myers remembers how Sen. Neal did the impossible in getting the Equal Rights Constitutional Amendment through the state senate in 1977
Reno News & Review 1-29-2009

Teachers union should not have turned its back on Neal's petition a decade ago
Daily Sparks Tribune / 5-11-2008

Neal's senate successor voted minority leader, as was Sen. Neal in 1989

Barbano and the usual suspects dissect the gambling-industrial complex's taxophobic PR blues machine on Sam Shad's statewide Nevada Newsmakers TV/Radio/Webcast/Podcast
Thursday, April 17, 2008

Host: Sam Shad
Co-Host: Scott Craigie
Guest: Tom Cargill, UNR Economics Professor
Pundito Banditos: Dick Gammick, Washoe County District Attorney
Andrew Barbano, Editor, NevadaLabor.com
Mike Hillerby, Executive Vice-President, Wingfield Nevada Group
Click here for statewide TV / Radio re-runs and Webcast/Podcast potentialities
Tune in, turn on and tell a friend

Neal supports proposed gross gaming tax initiative petition
Las Vegas Review-Journal columnist Erin Neff, Sunday, 9-9-2007

Neal in the News


ON THIS DATE in 1935, Joseph M. Neal, Jr., who has served as Nevada Senate majority floor leader, president pro tempore, acting governor, and at his retirement was tied for longevity of service as a Nevada state senator, was born in Mounds, Louisiana. (C
ourtesy of longtime Nevada reporter Dennis Myers' Poor Denny's Almanac uploaded daily to the Bulletin Board of NevadaLabor.com.)

Happy Birthday, Sen. Neal: On this date in 1935, Joseph Neal Jr., who has served as Nevada Senate majority floor leader, president pro tempore, acting governor, and at his retirement was tied for longevity of service as a Nevada state senator, was born in Mounds, Louisiana.
(Courtesy of longtime Nevada reporter Dennis Myers' almanac.)

Sen. Neal's voice missed at 2007 legislative session
Daily Sparks Tribune 6-10-2007

Déjà vu all over again
Gambling industry shunts green tax incentive to smoking casinos

Like Steve Wynn's art tax, money taken from Nevada schools

Once more unto the breach?
Steve Sebelius, Editor, Las Vegas CityLife on filling the current vacancy on the Clark County Commission: Anyway, almost overlooked in the whole mess was a person who (Assemblyman Morse) Arberry says is supporting him, but who would make a great commissioner in his own right: former state Sen. Joe Neal! Neal lives in the district; he ran against (resigning Commissioner) Gates the last time out, garnering but 21 percent against Gates' 63 percent. Neal's retired now, but if he still has the fire in the belly, we think he'd be a great choice. Plus, think of how the Strip would react if their old foe Neal was put in charge of gambling regulation!
Las Vegas CityLife 1-18-2007

UPDATE: Neal will accept commission appointment if Gov. Gibbons so offers
Daily Sparks Tribune 1-21-2007

Neal testifies at public forum on the Clark County coroner's inquest system
Coroner's inquest of police shootings out of step
Las Vegas Sun 1-14-2007

Neal: We have outsourced our elections
Sen. Titus introducing voting integrity bill at Neal's request

"A private company owns your voting," Neal says,
"and no one in the state really knows if it's secure."

     Neal's proposed audit of electronic voting will undoubtedly get a hearing thanks to Titus carrying the measure. He also plans to meet with Assembly Speaker Barbara Buckley, D-Las Vegas, about his proposal. Titus said she's "interested in hearing more about it."

     Anyone who votes should be.

Columnist Erin Neff, Las Vegas Review-Journal, Sunday, 12-10-2006

UPDATE 12-28-2006 Las Vegas Sun
Neal questions accuracy of state electronic voting machines
"Nobody has done an audit of these since they have been put in place."

BED SPACE: Mental health concern aired
Official says need persists despite hospital

Las Vegas Review-Journal 1-9-2007

License issues delay opening of 40 beds

Several out-of-state psychiatrists offered positions at the Rawson-Neal Psychiatric Hospital haven't received their Nevada medical licenses and as a result the opening of the institution's remaining 40 beds that were licensed Tuesday has been delayed.
Las Vegas Review-Journal 12-14-2006

40-bed addition to Rawson-Neal southern Nevada mental hospital can't open due to lack of doctors
Las Vegas Sun 12-5-2006

New hospital faces staff shortage

Rawson-Neal Hospital opens

Photos of the grand opening, 8-28-2006

Photo gallery of Rawson-Neal Hospital construction

Governor Guinn announces that new Las Vegas mental health facility will be named Rawson-Neal Hospital
Las Vegas Sun 3-24-2005

Sen. Neal's 2002 universal health care proposal looks visionary in retrospect

Cable greed and lawmaker laxity come back
to haunt Nevada ratepayers

The Wall Street Journal lists Nevada among state legislatures which passed anti-consumer legislation barring municipalities from providing cable and Internet services. Now, the wi-fi cyberchickens are coming home to rue.
Wall Street Journal/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 3-21-2006
The abovelinked article also appeared in the 3-27-2006 Reno Gazette-Journal
tried to repair the law in 2003, but Cox Cable (southern Nevada) and Charter Communications (nor. Nevada) thwarted his efforts.
Read it and weep.

Sen. Neal on lobbyist gifts: "Lobbyists don't give gifts unless they expect something, so if you take a gift from a lobbyist, the lobbyist will want to extract something from you. A vote in favor of his project that he is being paid to get into law maybe. The answer would be no, you shouldn't do that."
Reno Gazette-Journal 2-5-2006

Sen. Neal refreshes memories on Nevada's landmark fire sprinkler law and hints at publishing his memoirs
Las Vegas Review-Journal 1-23-2006
A bit more on the sprinkler law

FAMILY TIES: Sen. Neal and other Nevadans with Louisiana roots have serious personal stakes in the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina

Sen. Neal appears on Nevada Newsmakers statewide TV/Radio/Webcast programs week of July 25, 2005

Neal's issues continue to resonate
Daily Sparks Tribune 7-24-2005

Las Vegas Sun columnist Jeff Simpson: time for Nevada to look at a new triple-tiered tax for casinos

Powers of police citizen review boards debated
Neal 1997 bill led to creation of LV panel
Las Vegas Sun 7-2-2005

Sen. Neal on ending racism in Nevada
Las Vegas Sun 3-25-2005

Neal and Rawson inducted into Nevada State Senate Hall of Fame

Carson City Nevada Appeal 3-24-2005

Photo gallery of Rawson-Neal Hospital construction
Grand Opening August 28, 2006

Governor Guinn announces that new Las Vegas mental health facility will be named Rawson-Neal Hospital

Las Vegas Sun 3-24-2005

Rawson-Neal Hospital updates


Neal comments on his successor

Associated Press 3-19-2005

Neal among four longtime senators not returning to Carson City for 2005 session
Las Vegas Sun 2-7-2005

Neal tribute event scheduled in Las Vegas
Las Vegas Sun 1-21-2005

Neal participates in Nevada African-American history event
Las Vegas CityLife 12-9-2004

Neal lists main commission campaign issues

Neal files for Clark County Commission
NEWSPAPER: "Legendary lawmaker...proposes a moratorium on new casinos and to have the Southern Nevada Water Authority purchase Nevada Power."
Las Vegas Review-Journal 5-15-2004

Neal will not seek re-election to record ninth term
Hints at run for Clark County Commission
Las Vegas Sun 3-24-2004



Don't blame me — I voted for Joe Neal

Printable bumper sticker

The story behind the sticker


News and Issues

Sen. Neal's 2002 universal health care proposal looks visionary in retrospect

Neal questions state liability if LV monorail fails to cover state bond payments

The case for raising casino taxes

The State of Nevada Guinn-Hunt Administration study which proves it

Conservative Think Tank — Gaming Welshes

Jim Day Cartoon
Cash Cows and Sacred Cows


Cory Farley: A sporting solution to casino property tax freebies





LOW-TECH POLITICS This sign was put up by 2002 Republican candidate for lieutenant governor Gerry Larrivee on U.S. 395 between Reno and Carson City during Sen. Neal's 2000 gaming tax petition campaign. Sen. Neal needs similar grass-roots support during this year's legislative fight for fairness.

On May 20, 2003, the sign read "raise the casino tax." On May 12, it asked "Heard From Any Democrats?" Sen. Neal would understand the sentiments.

Reno Gazette-Journal Editorial — How about a 3 percent gaming tax hike?

Neal likes British tax system, casinos don't

Neal again only
elected official
named to LV
CityLife Local
Heroes List

2003 Endorsements

2002 Endorsements


More Endorsements

Conservative Columnist Ira Hansen

    "Considering most states tax the gaming industry at about double our rate, their measly $3 million or $4 million spent on (Gov.) Guinn's campaign was certainly a magnificent investment...

   "Kenny Guinn is a very nice person but is well known as a man with very limited commitments to any social, moral or political opinion or view. He is a blank page and the gamblers filled in the lines. And, no real surprise, what they wanted is remarkably identical to Guinn's 'vision' to avoid the government doing in Nevada what it has done across the country, mainly socking it to them to help pay for all the social malaise they help create.

   "To nip that potential in the bud, they bought Kenny Guinn and his clones in both parties, effectively isolating themselves. Democrat Joe Neal, who I voted for in the last election (despite my right wing views), saw clearly how this power play was coming to pass.
  — Daily Sparks Tribune

Daily Sparks Tribune
Editorial — Cut the Newspeak and Raise the Gaming Tax   

Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce members 90% in favor of gross gaming tax hike

Illinois governor wants gross gaming raised from 50% to 70%

Nevada casino CEOs made huge salaries in 2002

Jeff German — Gaming's power waned in 2003



Neal chairs interim mass transit study committee

Sen. Neal's Biography

Neal Legislative Page

State of Nevada

Nevada State Democratic Party

Washoe County Democratic Party


Guinn Watch

Silver State Casinos Out of Politics (COP)


Las Vegas Sun

Las Vegas Review Journal

Reno Gazette-Journal

Sparks Tribune

Nevada Appeal

Tahoe Tribune

Las Vegas City Life

Las Vegas Business Press


2003 Legislative News and Archive

Neal for Governor 2002 Archive
The first African-American major party gubernatorial nominee in Nevada history

Sen. Neal's 2000-2001 Archive
Sen. Neal re-elected despite being outspent by heavily-funded gambling industry candidate
2002 UPDATE — Neal one of only two winners outspent by opponents
2001 Legislative Roundup including gaming tax and utility deregulation
Pertinent News Links

Sen. Neal / Nevada Legislature '99
Steve Wynn's art tax loophole will become a budgetary hemorrhage
Casino Seeks Tax Break for Art's Sake
Casinos Out of Politics News & Bulletins

Neal for Governor '98 Archive
Neal TV SpotsLV Sun Election '98LVRJ Election '98In the NewsSen. Neal's PlatformLetters to Joe, '98Neal Files, Casinos SweatNeal Nukes Steve Wynn's Tax LoopholeLoyalty BetrayedSenior Labor Leader Exposes GuinnGuinn Reverses Only Pro-Worker PositionThe Empire Strikes BackNeal in Close Race With Guinn StatewideNews & Bulletins

Sen. Joe Neal

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All rights reserved. Reproduction rights granted by request.
Paid for by Sen. Neal.

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