sign was put up by 2002 GOP candidate for lieutenant governor
Gerry Larrivee on U.S. 395 between Reno and Carson City during
Sen. Neal's 2000 Gaming Tax Petition Campaign. Similar grass-roots
initiative will be needed to win in 2002.
Neal wins Democratic gubernatorial
primary, makes history 
Black-Tie Fundraiser in LV 
"I have thrown my hat into the ring for the Democratic
nomination for governor because the issues are the same
as when I ran four years ago," the 30-year Nevada lawmaker
gross gaming tax remains the lowest in the world while our
schools continue in dire need of support. We need to take
care of our children. We need funding for education, books,
teachers' salaries.
government is being Enronized as clever lobbyists were able
to win reimposition of utility deregulation just weeks after
Gov. Guinn and the legislature repealed it.
offer Nevadans a true choice for a change."
The Case for Raising Casino Taxes
from behind, the palatial replicas and resorts are a kind
of Potemkin village, screening from view an inner squalor
of local politics where wealth and power are in the hands
of only a few, a parody of rich and poor.
to what it takes, the ruling industry gives back crumbs.
Its rule is purchased, not won, though no less complete
for the usurpation. It evades all but a minor fraction of
taxes, recompense that might create public assets in Nevada
to match the mountains of private profit.
Instead, as from the beginning, it plunders the city, state
and nation, poisoning air, disfiguring land, stealing water,
ransoming the future for ravenous gain seized by fix and
favor. It masks only thinly its habitual racism and sexism.
If its prosperity is legend, many of its jobs are menial,
and its coveted payroll is mocked by enormous inequity,
the gap between millions taken by owners and the few thousand
in shiftwork subsistence paid most workers."
Money and the Power The Making of Las Vegas and Its
Hold on America, 1947-2000"
by Sally Denton & Roger Morris, published by Alfred
A. Knopf, New York, NY, 2001, page 10. Also a two-hour television
special on the Arts
& Entertainment Network,
2002. Check local listings. Videocasettes
available from A&E.
Nevada has been the fastest-growing
state in the nation over the past decade. The gambling industry
has facilitated tax increases on every other aspect of society,
while keeping the gross gaming tax frozen at 1987 levels. Casinos
get back fully a third of that levy in the form of corporate welfare
A 1999 study by Nevada's current Republican
administration shows that creation of low-wage gaming jobs creates
much more long term demand for government services than other types
of employment.
As a result of organized gambling's refusal
to pay its fair share, Nevada state and local governments face near-term
shortfalls in the billions of dollars.
Sen. Joe Neal has proposed legislation which
will make a modest down payment toward those needs. It proposes
to increase the gross gaming tax on the state's largest and most
profitable casinos. 
Please join the fight for a fair deal for
Nevada -- right here, right now.

Fastest-Growing State Is Going Broke Very Fast

Professor : Nevada a one-party state the Gaming Party opposes Neal
calls on Guinn to invoke emergency powers to save LV trauma center

wins Democratic gubernatorial primary, makes history 
Nevada Politics
That's Entertainment!
State Democratic chairman admits that the gambling industry
has co-opted and corrupted
the party into subverting Sen. Neal's campaign. Read it and retch.

Sellout of Neal will damage Demos with minorities
leaders question Demo diss of Neal 
Angry black leaders call for boycott of Democratic ticket 
Experts Democrats alienating core constituency 

continuing adventures of Gov. Dudley Do-Right and his neverending
quest for a complete sentence.
ME WORRY? Campaign
manager Snidely Whiplash defends Dudley's use of $400,000
in taxpayer-paid advertising during both primary and general
election seasons.
Gazette-Journal Editorial says "Guinn
needs leadership,"
then praises Neal 
Dudley Do-Right and Snidely Whiplash © Jay Ward Productions